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Laatste update

20 feb. 2022

The First Digital Assets Swap Service Powered by Theta
What started out as a private file transfer service will be transformed by the advent of web3 and in particular, Theta's blockchain capabilities.
This revolutionary technology supercharged the project, will take its utility to the next level and put the stars within the reach of everyone.
30 days
10 mrt. 2022
10 apr. 2022
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
pet 3 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 BULT
    0.1 USD
Details token
Token Distributie
Token Total Supply

Pre Sale 6%
Staking Rewards 15%
Burn 10%
Marketing 14%
Team 25%
Foundation 30%
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
Bullit Information Systems Limited
Geregistreerd land
United Kingdom
Who wrote about us?
aanvullende details
Ja , van Feb 20, 2022 tot Apr 10, 2022

Over Bullit

What is Bullit?


Bullit is a secure information transfer platform that uses the Theta blockchain to secure, track and monitor interaction activity. This is then coupled with additional features to enable progression towards a swap/transactional interface.


The Bullit project is part of the vanguard of new web3 technology companies aiming to make the benefits of blockchain available to all consumers, not just the elite.

The Bullit system uses its native BULT tokens to facilitate this process. Including:

  • Subscriptions
  • Additional functions
  • Add on features
  • Data transfer
  • Staking


Who are Bullit?

The team is made up of specialists with decades of experience in their given fields. The advisory board contains luminaries from the security and blockchain industries. In all, they span every continent and many cultures & languages.


Features include:

  • Intuitive user interface
  • On demand file termination
  • Enormous (and multiple) files reduced to a few KB
  • Direct email, links, or portable files
  • Expiry parameters
  • Conditional opening (terms & conditions)
  • View only
  • Location tracking


Future developments:

  • Full SDK to build independent applications on the Bullit technology
  • Financial transactions (pay-to-open)
  • Conversion to NFT messages
  • Data residency


Token Circulation

The BULT TNT-20 tokens are capped at 500m total supply.

30m in the presale with the remaining released ~4-5% monthly.

Burn events will reduce the total circulating supply to 450m.

Technische informatie

A core principle of the project is that you are defined as a person by the information you hold and the way in which you deploy it. Whilst that sounds robotic, it is ultimately a very human response to feel threatened when an entity invades your personal space.


One way to solve it is by keeping your assets in a locked, central repository - another is to shatter it far and wide whilst holding the key to put it back together again.


Bullit addresses the human need to feel safe at the same time as satisfying the pragmatic solution of security.


Further Information

Website: bullit.app

Token section: bullit.app/token

The whitepaper contains a detailed analysis of the project and features as well as an indepth look at the security theory and tokenomics.


Who wrote about us?


% naam% Roadmap

  • Q1: 2022

  • ICO token sale
  • Q1: 2022

  • Bullit SDK sandbox package
  • Q2: 2022

  • Web3 integration
  • Q3: 2022

  • Blockchain recording and blockmarking
  • Lees verder
  • Q3: 2022

  • Pay to Open service
  • Q3: 2022

  • Bullit SDK package
  • Q3: 2022

  • Full decentralization

Bullit Team

geverifieerd 90%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Anas Madi
Scott Turnbull
Ahmad Alghalban
Quality Assurance Specialist
Mazen S. H. Elsayed
Senior Technical Product Manager
Thomas Wong
Director of Technical
Ljiljana Glavic
John Roordink
Global Compliance Officer
Mohammed Abu Jarad
Fundamental Analyst
Kareem Radwan
Senior Android Developer
Eleyan Saed
Senior IOS Develope
Mahmoud Shurrab
Senior iOS Developer
Majd Alden Herzallah
Native iOS & Android Developer
Alaa Hijazi
Front-End Developer
Ahmad Adballah
Back-end Developer
Khaled Mofeed
Front-End Developer
Mohammed Hosam
Concept Artist
Mohammed Shawwa
Senior Web & Blockchain developer
Ahmed Alnuaizi
Graphic Designer
Mahmoud Skaik
Web Developer
Iyas S.
Smart Contract Developer
Ahmad Radi
Smart Contract Developer

Bullit Interviews

Anas Madi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Translating high-level feature requirements into specific issues.
Planning sprints and assigning issues.
Coordinating mentorships.
Ensuring every dev team member is engaged with and sufficiently challenged by their day-to-day work.
Owning execution of the project and team-level OKRs.
Working with devs to point issues and estimate timelines.
Facilitating effective developer onboarding and training.
What do you think about idea?
We have made development of the Theta Ecosystem a major focus for 2022 so we're thrilled to see high quality projects like Bullit emerge using Theta technology. We believe that by enabling secure, transferable and private ownership of any digital asset or content, Bullit is creating a key building block for Web3 applications in the media sector and beyond.
Scott Turnbull
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in the team is to ensure operations run smoothly across the whole business. This, typically, ranges from managing short term resource allocation effectively to longer-term business and development planning.

I relentlessly pursue efficiency but not at the cost of creativity. I admire the talent in our company and want to encourage it to thrive in a coherent and communicative environment.
What do you think about idea?
Like most people, I had sat and watched the steady erosion of privacy unfold over the past decade. When I was given the opportunity to join a project that was part of the debate, it was an easy decision.

I believe strongly that your information is what makes you who you are. It belongs to you, informs you and that is a fundamental right worth fighting for.

Bullit, for me, embodies these values. It is built into what we do from the very beginning and runs right through it. I know that because I designed the business that way.
Ahmad Alghalban
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a quality assurance officer, I am responsible to identify and resolve production issues, ensuring that standards have been observed along the development process, and providing recommendations for improvement

Moreover, part of my duties is to work closely with senior stakeholders to understand business requirements and participate in translating these into technical requirements for the development team.
What do you think about idea?
Bullit is an innovative technology, depends on a passionate and efficient team, in addition to a very confident community ... In my opinion, those are the three substrates for a success story.
Mazen S. H. Elsayed
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
- Uncover and understand customer needs and translate them into requirements.
- Ability to work well with internal teams, including developers, engineers, architects, quality assurance, and operations. Ensure requirements are fully understood and that implementation plans match expectations.
- Understand, research, and follow technical trends in the industry and in general. Able to assess emerging products and companies to measure their potential value or threat to the company and its products, as well as make recommendations on which new technologies to invest in or leverage.
- Follow competitors and conduct capability analysis regularly.
- Assess and address technical risks.
- Understand and analyze data pipelines, algorithms, and automated systems.
- Coordinate beta tests.
- Define success criteria for testing and product acceptance.
- Facilitate the creation and maintenance of proper product documentation.
What do you think about idea?
Proactively encrypting sensitive data as soon as possible is one of the best approaches to enterprise data security. By implementing encryption up front at the application layer, exposure of sensitive clear-text data is minimized. Bullit approach to encryption reduces the need for secondary encryption platforms, which are often cumbersome to deploy and manage and often lack important security certifications.
Thomas Wong
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Security advisor , so I will looking into the overall security, I been working with blockchain technology a while
What do you think about idea?
It is great idea, we all need to send assets in a secure way, but also keep control over assets, it just makes sense
Mohammed Abu Jarad
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Study all the affective factors for the value of the project, from macroeconomic factors such as the state of the economy to microeconomic factors such as the effectiveness of company management.
What do you think about idea?
BULLIT project has a unique future vision that aims to achieve the principles of security and privacy that began to disappear during the previous years, and with the help of THETA, I think that the required environment will be provided for the success of Bullit and open the way for the creativity of the respected Bullit project team.
Kareem Radwan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
• Creating app updates, including bug fixes and additional features, for release.
• Formulating apps that are suitable for use on all types of Android devices.
• Implementing measures to safeguard users' data.
• Ensuring that the construction and presentation of the apps are congruent with the company's standards.
• Collaborating with UI and UX Designers, as well as Software Testers, to ensure that each app is presentable and in perfect working order.
• Monitoring app reviews to detect areas for improvement.
What do you think about idea?
Great Idea. it's help people to save file on safety way with good encryption methods. I wish a great work for the team
ELeyan Saed
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
- Developed meeting app like zoom, using Jitsi meet SDK, in addition to VoIP calls, and set up scheduled meetings with notifications.

- Developing an iOS version of the Bullit app, that is used for file transfer, encryption, decryption, and digital assets storing.

- Participating in preparing the development documentation process.- Developed meeting app like zoom, using Jitsi meet SDK, in addition to VoIP calls, and set up scheduled meetings with notifications.

- Developing an iOS version of the Bullit app, that is used for file transfer, encryption, decryption, and digital assets storing. - Participating in preparing the development documentation process.
What do you think about idea?
It's a very big and great project, with high security for transferring files between users, and it's very fast to send any type of files to emails .
Mahmoud Shurrab
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Senior iOS Developer at Bullit
- Collaborating with the design team to define app features.
- Ensuring quality and performance of the application to specifications.
- Identifying potential problems and resolving application bottlenecks.
- Fixing application bugs before the final release.
- Publishing application on App Store.
- Maintaining the code and atomization of the application.
- Designing and implementing application updates.
What do you think about idea?
BULLIT is the ultimate security app.
Based on blockchain technology, files can be encrypted with multiple keys before even leaving your computer.
When received, encrypted files are locked to our viewer ensuring that only the person you sent it to is the one reading it.
It’s not just documents either. Vouchers, audio files, photos – if it can be sent online, it can be sent by BULLIT.

And the best bit… TERMINATE
Kill a file in its tracks. Because it’s blockchain, you retain control of the ownership. Go to your dashboard, terminate the file and it’s gone. Every version, everywhere. “Going Viral” has gone away.
Majd Alden Herzallah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
• Creating app updates, including bug fixes and additional features, for release.
• Formulating apps that are suitable for use on all types of Android devices.
• Implementing measures to safeguard users' data.
• Ensuring that the construction and presentation of the apps are congruent with the company's standards.
• Collaborating with UI and UX Designers, as well as Software Testers, to ensure that each app is presentable and in perfect working order.
• Monitoring app reviews to detect areas for improvement.
What do you think about idea?
A revolutionary and wonderful project that exploits the latest modern web3 technology and blockchain
Alaa Hijazi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm a Front-end website developer building modern-day UI components to improvise application performance.
What do you think about idea?
BULLIT is a promising project that has many potentials and is managed by a creative and visionary team.
Ahmad Adballah
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Back-End developer.
Using NodeJS, a multi purpose run time environment.
MySQL, ExpressJs, and many backEnd technologies and tools.
What do you think about idea?
Bullit is a creative Idea, based in very trendy and futuristic technologies.
It made a solid and well-chosen partnerships in tech market.
Khaled Mofeed
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
- I worked as Front End developer for the bullit project from initial design through completion,
optimizing all cross-browser and multi-platform compatibility.
- Work closely with programmers and clients to meet project requirements,
goals, and desired functionality.
- Enhanced user experience and accomplish webpage objectives by creating
site structure, navigation, page optimization, and graphics integration.
- Implemented enhancements that improved web functionality and
What do you think about idea?
I think that the idea of ​​the Bullit project is an impressive idea and needs to be developed further
Mohammed Hosam
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Hello, I'm Mohammed Hosam, a painter and animator. I created the Bullitt character and made most of the artworks on the site.
What do you think about idea?
Bullit's idea is a beautiful and rare idea, and I think it will have a lot in the near future, so everyone should subscribe to the site and enjoy its unique features.
Mohammed Shawwa
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
● Design and build a smart contracts architecture, incentives structure, yield pools, and strategies.
● Design, implement and test smart contract upgrades and additions.
● Research, design, develop, and test new blockchain technologies.
● Build tools to interact with smart contracts.
● Build and implement robust, reusable, and maintainable code.
● Work within a dynamic team, that challenges the status quo and champion agile working and continuous improvement.
● Passionate about the blockchain space and solving hard problems.
● Strong with JavaScript, NodeJS, and Solidity.
● Ability to develop software in Solidity (OpenZepplin, Truffle).
● Experienced using Ethereum wallets, Mist, Metamask to store, accept and send.
● Experienced using Ganache to run tests, execute commands, and inspect states.
● Experienced in NFT Development (Full Stack Development - Smart Contracts/Mint Button).
What do you think about idea?
A project of great importance in protecting your files from intruders, sharing them with specific people, and having complete control over your files and recipients. It's very cool.

Bullit will be one of the obvious names in the world of Blockchain and the web3.
Ahmed Alnuaizi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My duty is to make designs for website, ui, advertising in different media, always adhering to corporate identity.
What do you think about idea?
Bullit is an integrated and organized project with a futuristic vision of privacy. It is worth joining it and working on being one of its team.
Mahmoud Skaik
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm a web developer with the Responsibility to create the REST APIs for the system and create the administrator dashboard to review users and system reports.
What do you think about idea?
Great project, and a great team to work with.
really love the idea and I think it's just the beginning of a long trip of success.
iyas S.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role in the team was to develop the smart contract for the token , develop the pre-sale process, and Deploy the token on the Theta network
What do you think about idea?
The idea is really beautiful and new and makes it easier for users in terms of preserving their data from theft, hacking or selling
Ahmad Radi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
1- Create a smart currency contract.
2- Create a smart contract for pre-sale.
3 - Linking the pre-sale smart contract to the theta wallet.
What do you think about idea?
I'm sure it's a very cool idea and it will result in great success, and that's what motivated me to work on it.

Bullit Laatste nieuws

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  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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