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Laatste update

11 okt. 2018

BrikBit is het eerste blockchain-gebaseerde ecosysteem dat volledige operaties ontwikkelt en beheert voor de vastgoedsector. Binnen het BrikBit-ecosysteem zullen alle aandeelhouders die betrokken zijn bij de vastgoedprojecten in staat zijn om de potentie van blockchain-technologie te gebruiken voor het automatiseren, disintermediëren en transparant maken van zowel typische als impliciete processen tijdens alle stappen van een onroerendgoedonderneming, zoals het verzamelen van fondsen, ontwerp, aanmaken en beheren. Elk vastgoedproject zal in staat zijn om zijn eigen blockchain te creëren (als een BrikBit-sidechain) met zijn eigen regels en functies, afhankelijk van het land en de wetgeving van het project zelf.
29 nov. 2018
31 jan. 2019
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Doel 15 000.00 USD
pet 24 000.00 USD
  • 1 BRIK
    0.0005 USD
Details token
Totale voorraad
Token Distributie
75% - ICO
8% - Founder and seed wallet
3% - Advisors & Team Bootstrap
5% - Marketing bounty
3% - Community expansion
6% - Technical bounty
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Min. Bijdrage
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
BrikBit Digital Shares Sagl
Geregistreerd land
Bedrijf opgericht
Feb 16, 2018
aanvullende details
Ja ,

Over BrikBit

BrikBit is het eerste blockchain-Lisk-gebaseerde ecosysteem van Real Estate, waarmee Dapps kan worden ontwikkeld met zijn speciale zijketens via de meest verbreide programmeertaal JavaScript. Binnen het BrikBit-ecosysteem kunnen alle aandeelhouders die betrokken zijn bij de Real Estate-projecten gebruik maken van de mogelijkheden van blockchain-technologie om alle typische en impliciete processen tijdens alle stappen van een onroerendgoedonderneming, zoals fondsinzameling, ontwerp, te automatiseren, disintermediëren en transparanter te maken. , creatie en beheer.

BrikBit-platform krijgt een eigen blockchain, beheerd volgens een gedelegeerd consensusconventie-protocol (DPoS), dat de wederzijdse basis zal zijn van alle toepassingen en noodzakelijke instrumenten om beheer de waardewisseling binnen elk project van Real Estate.

Op het BrikBit-platform is het mogelijk om sidechains van nieuwe projecten aan te maken en verschillende applicaties te kopen en REDA, Real Estate Digital Assets, & ldquo; the avatars & rdquo; van de gebouwen. Alle uitwisselingen en aankopen zullen plaatsvinden met behulp van BRIK, de eigen munt van onze Blockchain.

Elk project van Real Estate kan zijn eigen blockchain (als BrikBit-sidechain) met zijn eigen regels en functies maken, verschillend volgens het land en de wetgeving van de project zelf. Elke andere sidechain heeft zijn eigen onafhankelijke token, gekoppeld aan het echte gebouw.


  • What is BrikBit Digital Shares?

BrikBit Digital Shares is a Blockchain Swiss based Company developing BRIKBIT, the first LISK blockchain-based ecosystem that develops and manages entire operations for the Real Estate industry. Within the BrikBit ecosystem all shareholders involved in Real Estate projects will be able to use the potentiality of blockchain technology to automate, disintermediate and make more transparent both typical and implicit processes during all steps of a Real Estate enterprise, such as fund collection, design, creation and management.

  • Who is behind this project?

Our Team is made up of professionals, blockchain experts and architects with a long experience in Real Estate projects at international level. We decided to join forces to launch an ecosystem that will revolutionize the sector, always in need of new technologies to go beyond borders and support each player involved in an innovative way.

  • What is the reason for the creation of the BrikBit ecosystem?

Through the ecosystem BrikBit wants to:solve the problem of univocity and correctness of Real Estate data
solve the problem of illiquidity of value of RE properties
solve the problem of fundraising and easy access to RE developments
bring transparency to the oldest and most effective industrial sector.
 This ecosystem will be the real financial Revolution of Real Estate.

  • What is a REDA?

REDA is an acronym for Real Estate Digital Asset. It is an avatar of a building that is created through the BrikBit platform and it summarizes all necessary information of a real building: structure, design, materials, plants, services. All information will be organised through a dedicated protocol to manage each property.The protocol will determine the partitions of a building, allowing platform users to optimise the value exchange. REDA represents the interface between the blockchain platform and the real building. REDA will also be a customized token linked to a specific project, with its own property and following distinct legislation according to the country the building is meant to be built.

  • What is a REDApp?

RE-DApps, Real Estate Decentralized Applications, are implemented dedicated applications to create REDA.The RE-DApps represent the “core” of the BrikBit platform and guarantee the management of  information involved within Real Estate processes, creating the Framework to identify the expressed value of the REDA.These Apps meet the needs to have an equal, transparent and unamendable management to exchange information and value in Real Estate projects.

  • What problems do BrikBit, REDA and REDApps solve?

1. They can provide uniqueness of data and correctness of property data currently lacking. For instance, when someone buys a new property there is an issue of guarantee that the property is constructed according to the local regulations.
On BrikBit ecosystem, whoever buys a digital share of an asset, can buy something with an history and unique data recorded on a blockchain.

2. They offer the possibility to divide in digital shares a RE asset: this allows to own and sell a small partition of a property.

3. They solve the problem of lack of funds to do RE operations. With the BrikBit ecosystem, a small - medium saver could decide to invest in a share of a Real Estate project in Tokyo and Paris, rather than in Singapore or in Dubai.

4. They solve the problem of lack of transparency. This is usually the case in transactionswithin Real Estate development and in managing operations during construction and lifecycle of a building.

  • What is BrikBit Social Professional Network? 

It is the first BrikBit ecosystem, since it gives a chance to all Real Estate players interested to operate in a new way of doing business thanks to the blockchain. This will be a meeting point for operators, investors, professionals and brokers who want to join forces and create round-tables to start potential cooperation. It will be a pay per sign up network that will enable all members to interact with BrikBit developers team to develop and implement the BrikBit eco-system. This way, the network will match reality with actual issues present in the day-to-day Real Estate projects.

% naam% Roadmap

  • 2016

  • Start developing Idea, Project draft of Brik Shares
  • Q1 - 2018

  • BrikBit Digital Shares Company Foundation
  • Q3 - 2018

  • Private Sale
  • Q4- 2018

  • Alpha version of BrikBit Social Professional Network
  • Lees verder
  • Q4 - 2018

  • Q4 - 2018

  • Beta version of BrikBit Social Professional Network
  • Q2 - 2019

  • Set Up Test Blockchain DPOS
  • Q3 - 2019

  • Main net blockchain BrikBit - Swap token ERC20 to BRIK (DPoS)
  • Q4 - 2019

  • Kick off BrikBit platform REDA main sidechain
  • Q3 - 2020

  • Alpha version of BrikBit trading platform
  • Q3 - 2020

  • 1st REDA Pilot project - Architectural design
  • Q4 - 2020

  • 1st REDA Pilot project - Construction
  • 2025

  • 1st REDA City Project

BrikBit materialen

BrikBit Team

geverifieerd 73%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team



$6 288 571



geverifieerd 29%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team


$10 000 000

Achim Jedelsky
Jo Bronckers
Tomica Cesar
Florian Huber


$5 911 201

Thomas Contin


$5 911 201

Marco Sala
Richard Zoni

Voormalige leden


16 ICOs

$51 886 082

Giacomo Arcaro

BrikBit Interviews

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the Chief of Technology Officer of Brikbit Digital Shares, in charge of the development of the Brikbit Blockchain and Platform, programming and designing their flows and Architectures. As Computer Science and Praxeology enthusiast, I strongly believe that Blockchain technology will reshape Real Estate industry. This is the main reason why I joined Brikbit, a project that fully embraced this vision.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I graduated at Bocconi university and experienced as indie developer. I believe in distribuited systems and their empowerment role in communication' s technologies and, as a Brikbit developer, I am involved in creating and mantaining the whole project from scratch. Brikbit digital shares will help us all to easily access and trade properties' fractions, by reshaping the way they were known before.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hi Guys, I am Founder of the project and Expert Blockchain and Real estate. I believe the future to Real Estate sector with Blockchain technology will be excited and very cool! Enjoy to partecipate to the community, Brikbit is open project to share and collaborate to realize your Real House dream
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm Co Founder and CEO of Brikbit Digital Shares Project.
I'm an active architect in architectural design and digital services for Real Estate and I have more than 18 years of experience in design, management and construction for international private and public projects.
I believe Real Estate industry needs a disruptive innovation: I think it is necessary and possible to make the transmission and record of the data and the value of the entire life cycle of buildings more and more efficient with Blockchain.
Together with my Partners and my Team we are developing the first Blockchain-based ecosystem that develops and manages entire operations for the Real Estate industry.
If You are interested how could be done, visit
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Cyber security at the first place
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the community manager of BrikBit Digital Shares. I firmly believe the Real Estate industry needs the new blockchain technology to move forward and create the future smart cities of tomorrow.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am responsible for the marketing and communication plan. Crypto Community is a small world but is crowded: info must be delivered in a clear, simple, effective way and that is not easy....
What do you think about idea?
This could be the next big thing in real estate.Follow us on and download our whitepaper: we won't let you down!
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Hi guys, Im the media manager of Brikbit Digital Shares Project.
Im a videomaker, with working experiences in national and web television.
I really believe in blockchain tecnology, and I also believe in the BrikBit project.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm the JavaScript Developer of the company. I'm in charge of developing the Telegram Bots, and I'm working with the rest of the team on the main platform and Smart Contract tools.
What do you think about idea?
BrikBit will definitely revolutionize the Real Estate world thanks to its safe and innovative way of digitalizing buildings throughout the globe.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I’m working as graphic design assistant for the project. I cooperate on the realization of whitepapers, flyers, Roll-up for the Marketing Team of the company.
What do you think about idea?
As an architect, I think the BrikBit project is an excellent idea in order to innovate the Real estate sector.
Marco Sala
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am legal advisor for this strong blockchain project in the real estate field.
I'm an intellectual property legal specialist with 20 years of experience as advisor for multinational real estate, insurance and telecommunication companies. I'm the founder and CEO at Archilex Consulting SA, a leading Intellectual Property Management and Fintech law consultancy company active in multiple international jurisdictions.
What do you think about idea?
BrikBit is the first blockchain-based ecosystem that develops and manages entire operations for the Real Estate industry. Within the BrikBit ecosystem all shareholders involved in the Real Estate projects will be able to use the potentiality of blockchain technology to automate, disintermediate and make more transparent both typical and implicit processes during all steps of a Real Estate enterprise such as fund collection, design, creation and management. Each Real Estate project will be able to create its own blockchain (as a BrikBit sidechain) with its own rules and features, according to the country and legislation of the project itself.
Richard Zoni
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I advise the company and the founders about Regulation and Compliance in Switzerland. My focus is on KYC and AML, and FINMA Guidelines.
What do you think about idea?
BrikBit is addressing the management of real estate project form completely new perspective. The entire operations for the Real Estate Project are recorded and managed in sub blockchains created on LISK.

BrikBit Laatste nieuws

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  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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