

Created using Figma
Branch is building next-gen captivating social games in web3. Normies call it the “metaverse.”
To be announced
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United States
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Over Branch

Stealthy startup pioneering something new in web3 gaming. 

We are founders, artists, hackers, and gamers. Some of us are dropouts, who made fortunes building massive Minecraft servers instead of doing homework. Some of us led previous lives at Microsoft, EA, and Zynga. But all of us are combining our passions to pioneer incredible gaming experiences in web3.

The gameplay itself will be based around islands that users can own as NFTs, each with a different composite of virtual resources. The resources can be crafted into usable items or structures within the world of the game, with the “earn” component of its play-to-earn label coming from users paying each other to harvest the materials for them, or reselling said items as NFTs on secondary marketplaces.

Branch Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Dayton Mills
Founder & CEO
Connor Hollasch
Charles Vien

Branch Laatste nieuws

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