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Welcome to Boda Token - A hyper deflationary reward token built on Binance Chain allowing holders to automatically earn returns in $BUSD just for holding $BODAV2 tokens.
Gegevens zijn niet beschikbaar
To be announced
Details token
Totale voorraad
Token Distributie
Buy Transaction Fee Distribution -
6% to $BUSD Rewards
2% Auto Burn
1.5% Manual Burn
1.5% Marketing & Development
1% to Yield Farm Supply
Total = 12% Buy Fee
Sell Transaction Fee Distribution -
13% to $BUSD Rewards
2% Auto Burn
1.5% Manual Burn
1.5% Marketing and Development
2% to Yield Farm Supply
Total = 20% Sell Fee
aanvullende details
Binance Chain (BEP20)


Boda Token was first created in April 2021. Originally it was a hyper deflationary reflection token. A Version 2 (V2) upgrade of Boda Token was launched in September 2021, changing to a hyper deflationary $BUSD reward token. The current token in operation is BODAV2.

Audited by Certik and Dessert Finance. Complete KYCed Team primarily operating out of Australia.

BodaSwap, created by Boda Token, is the first DEX Aggregator on Binance Chain to allow token swaps to occur without slippage!

All tokens that contain transaction fees, such as reflection and reward tokens, will require a slippage input on most other DEXs such as Pancakswap, MDEX, FEGex, 1inch, and more.

With BodaSwap, the slippage is no longer required. Users can simply trade tokens with the default slippage setting of 0.5%. This is the bare minimum slippage setting that can be set for trades on the Binance Chain network.

Without having to manual input slippage every time you want to buy a token, this gives users a time saving and hassle-free exchange.
In some instances, avoiding the slippage can result in a small increase in tokens receive during the swap exchange compared to other DEXs like Pancakswap.

The BodaSwap is currently available for Binance Chain (BEP20) tokens. Future updates will add Ethereum, Polygon, Tron and Solana Network to the exchange.



% naam% Roadmap

  • Building in 2022

  • • Yield Farm & Staking Pools
    • NFT Marketplace Platform
    • NFT Gaming
    • Build Governance Vote Platform
    • Build Token Minter
    • Build Token Locker
    • Build BODA Swap for ETH network
    • Build BODA Swap for Polygon Network
    • Build BODA Swap for Solana Network


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Billy Thomas
Matt Grey
Community Manager
Dave Reed
Graphics & Content Creator
Lee Chapman
Stephanie Nduta
Marketing & Listings Manager
Joseph Riekhof
Coding Developer

BODAV2 TOKEN Laatste nieuws

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