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BCDT Token is een gebruiksvoucher in BCD-ecosysteem. BCDT worden gebruikt om gecertificeerde uitgifte van gegevens te garanderen, zoals diploma's, professionele certificeringen, certificaten van verzekering of eigendomsakte door middel van BCD smart-contracten. Iedereen kan zijn entiteit laten certificeren en de service gebruiken met het token. Voor elke gecertificeerde gegevensuitgifte zal het slimme contract van BCD automatisch 5% van de BCDT-tokens branden.
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • Balancer V2
    BCDT/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.1982
    $ 6.288 K
  • Balancer V2
    BCDT/USDC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.2028
    $ 3.967 K
  • Idex
    BCDT/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.2264
    $ 2.513 K
  • Balancer V2
    BCDT/DAI % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.2110
    $ 68.70
  • FatBTC
    BCDT/USDT % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.2998
    $ 0.1499
  • Uniswap (v3)
    BCDT/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0607
    $ 16.768 K
  • C-Patex
    BCDT/LTC % count% een jaar geleden
  • C-Patex
    BCDT/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
  • ForkDelta
    BCDT/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0413
    $ 28.39
  • Radar Relay
    BCDT/WETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0136
  • Radar Relay
    BCDT/DAI % count% een jaar geleden
  • Switcheo
    BCDT/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0091
  • Everbloom
    BCDT/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0092
    $ 2.93
1 dec 2017
15 jan 2018
100% voltooid
$3 348 870
100% harde dop voltooid
Harde dop 1 800.00 ETH
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details
Platform, Onderwijs

Over BCDiploma

First of all, BCDiploma brings a solution to a concrete and relevant problem that schools’ IT departments struggle with. The number of higher education institutions keeps increasing
and competition is fierce amongst them. Each one of these schools is yearning for a stronger reputation and for better quality services for their students. The diploma’s certification issue is in every Director of IT System’s mind.

An easy implementation

Within schools, IT and administrative services in charge of issuing diplomas are looking for easy and practical solutions to use. BCDiploma offers a “turnkey” DApp, which will allow schools to issue diplomas by a simple data upload. By doing so, schools:

  • Avoid a complex document management, which is necessary today to implement the current blockchain solutions (issuance of a digital “original” document, storage, hash);
  • Don’t have to handle digital safes and their access anymore. With BCDiploma, the only element the graduate needs to access his diploma is a matching URL.
  • Safety, reliability and trust. Schools have to deal with the issue of their data’s safety, especially with long-term storage.
    BCDiploma’s encryption algorithm, associated with data storage on Ethereum, ensures a level of reliability and safety that doesn’t exist on the current market;
    The Blockchain technology creates trust between the various players: protocols are clearly defined and the existing rules are always respected and checked.
  • Sustainability. Choosing a long-term, reliable service without depending on a provider is a major challenge for schools.
    • While using BCDiploma, schools cannot lose their diplomas’ data any longer, as they are stored
    on Ethereum;
  • BCDiploma uses open source systems called DApps: data’s access and DApps’ use are guaranteed to the schools without any time limit.
  • No recurring costs. Long-term cost management is paramount for schools.
  • Compared to the other market players, BCDiploma is highly competitive. There is no monthly plan or maintenance cost but only one payment per diploma;
  • If deemed more convenient by the schools, BCDiploma offers an “all-included” service, called SaaS, billed after the fact in USD or EUR.

Economies of scale

Alumni or employees constantly solicit schools regarding copies’ issuance or diplomas’ certificates.
Thanks to BCDiploma these issuances can be automated and externalized. Schools will save so
much time and energy.

Personal data’s protection

Schools must respect the regulations on privacy and personal data.
BCDiploma complies with the essential principles set by the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) and was created so:

  • It won’t be possible for the BCDiploma Solution operators to use or collect data;
  • The right to be forgotten regulation could be implemented.

Digital innovation

To be attractive and competitive, schools are looking for digital innovations to serve their graduates
in a practical way and improve their reputation.

  • Thanks to BCDiploma, alumni can use their diploma’s URL on LinkedIn and other social media,
    without any time limit;
  • BCDiploma gives schools a “technological pioneer” dimension.


Versleutelde gegevens. Het cryptografische protocol genereert drie sleutels die de gegevensbeveiliging en het "recht om te worden vergeten" garanderen.

On chain-publicatie. De school zet de gegevens van het diploma op Ethereum.

Gecertificeerde gegevens met één klik. BCDiploma DApp genereert de url van het diploma & nbsp; waardoor toegang tot gecertificeerde gegevens met één klik mogelijk is.

Sociale netwerken. Op alle vacaturesites en sociale netwerken delen afgestudeerden hun gecertificeerde diploma's.

% naam% Roadmap

  • 2018

  • We zullen onze applicatie lanceren en aanbieden aan de leiders van de onderwijs- en wervingsmarkt, voornamelijk in Europa. Ons doel voor het eerste jaar is om een ​​wereldwijde legitimiteit te verkrijgen door de geschiedenis van de diploma's van de topscholen op elk continent te publiceren. Een stimuleringsbudget dat aan alle bovengenoemde problemen voldoet, ondersteunt dit doel (15% van het verkoopbedrag van de tokens).
  • 2019

  • We zullen een enorme marketingcampagne lanceren om de certificeringsmarkt van diploma's in Europa, Noord-Amerika en de BRICS-leden te veroveren. In de tussentijd zullen we in Europa de certificatie van vaardigheden, professionele certificering en de professionele registersmarkt op zich nemen.
  • 2020

  • Als wereldmarktspeler hebben we de nodige schaalgrootte bereikt om de enorme markt van administratieve registers te betreden.

BCDiploma Team

geverifieerd 17%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Luc Jarry-Lacombe
Vincent Langard
Jean-René Krasucki
Social Media Manager
Johann Bonfils
Graphic Designer
Thomas Vinot Prefont...
Press Manager
Raphaël Frayssinet
Web Communication Manager


geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Philippe Honigman
Strategic Advisor
Aurélie Bayle
Legal Compliance Advisor
Louis-Marie Watteble...
Product Strategic Advisor
Jonathan Belgourari
Financial Advisor
Ludovic Flament
Cryptographic Advisor
Eric Galland
Expert Accountant Advisor
Philippe Honigman
Strategic Advisor
Aurélie Bayle
Legal Compliance Advisor
Louis-Marie Watteble...
Product Strategic Advisor
Jonathan Belgourari
Financial Advisor
Ludovic Flament
Cryptographic Advisor
Eric Galland
Expert Accountant Advisor

BCDiploma Interviews

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Crypto Enthousiast

BCDiploma Laatste nieuws

$ 0.2087
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 7.915 M
Volume 24h:
$ 64.717 K
Circ. Supply:
37.935 M BCDT

% name% Reviews


The BCDiploma has a simple concept of decentralizing and digitalizing certifications. The main aim of BCDiploma is to provide the most secure, sustainable and most straightforward way of certifying diplomas using a high cryptography Ethereum technology. The platform will make it possible for higher institutions of learning to approve their attestations and diplomas on the Ethereum blockchain. This article will provide an honest BCDiploma ICO review that will help you choose the best cryptocurrency.

Graduates will obtain simple URL links that will help them to send their academic testimonials to the recruiting firms. The single click link will allow employers to access diploma and prove that it is authentic.
Advantages of BCDiploma
Easy Implementation
The BCDiploma app makes it possible for schools to give diplomas by simply uploading them. This helps the school to avoid the need to have digital safes because what a student needs is only his URL.
Safety, Trust and Reliability
Schools used to deal with the problem of data safety, but with this new method, the safety of your data is guaranteed. It employs an encryption algorithm that enhances safety and reliability that is unmatched in the market. It also helps to build trust among all players.
No Recurring Costs
BCDiploma is competitive compared to others in the market. This is because you don’t pay
maintenance fees apart from the single payment you pay when verifying a
Economies of scale
By using this method to issue diplomas, schools will be able to save energy and time.


BCDiploma will be operating on an Evidenz framework which will be open source.With thousands of fake diplomas circulating in the market today, education institutions Are searching for ways of validating their diplomas. If you want to make good returns on your investments, then you need to BCDiploma tokens today! This BCDiploma ICO review is a must-read for all cryptocurrency enthusiasts all over the world.

Lees verder

With the amount of fake diploma certificates being so high, Universities are surely looking for some way to authenticate and validate their diplomas. No other diploma certification business is doing this in such a large scale as BCDiploma. It will probably be able to succeed in its goal to become the leading certification agency in the world.

Lees verder
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