

Created using Figma
First fundraising platform on Binance Smart Chain for all crypto projects.
BAB is a community driven token utilizing NFTs from various creators & opening revenue for all cryptos on Bauble NFT marketplace.
To be announced
aanvullende details

Over Bauble

Launched on 17/05/2021 by a team based in India, Belgium & Romania, Bauble is a smart contract project for a fundraising platform. Bauble came into existence to help crypto project generate development funds using a NFT marketplace. BAB is the currency utilized on the NFT marketplace for NFT creators, collectors and the participating crypto projects. BAB has a static reward token with an adjustable tax rate of 6% that gives 4% frictionless yield to holders and 1% each to the Team Wallet and Marketing wallet.


Bauble Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

K Ekta
CEO & Founder
Wilking Canaca
Community Manager

Bauble Laatste nieuws

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