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Laatste update

15 nov. 2018

Het AsicVault-team heeft AsicFuel ontworpen dat op zijn eigen blockchain zal werken en zal dienen als een interne valuta van de AsicVault-wereld. AsicFuel wordt verbrand door de AsicVault-chips. De functionaliteit van de AsicFuel zal samen met het hele ecosysteem evolueren en is nauw verbonden met de routekaart van het project. Het gebruik van AsicFuel geeft korting op onze DEX en het is de belangrijkste betalingsvaluta voor alle diensten.

Onze chips vormen samen een goede Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). Zonder geld in betaalkanalen op te sluiten, kunnen we met Trusted Execution Environment directe transacties uitvoeren tussen AsicVault-gebruikers. Omdat we verschillende cryptocurrencies zonder enige beperking ondersteunen, vormt hetzelfde TEE een hoogfrequent handelssysteem - Gedecentraliseerde Exchange (DEX). U bent te allen tijde de eigenaar van uw privésleutels. U hoeft niets te storten / opnemen. Zelfs uw persoonlijke AsicVault-hardwareportefeuille kan rechtstreeks deelnemen aan DEX.
Public Sale
25 nov. 2018
22 dec. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
1 okt. 2018
24 nov. 2018
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
Details token
Geaccepteerde valuta's
Min. Bijdrage
Geregistreerd land
aanvullende details

Over AsicVault

Over AsicVault

AsicVault is een beveiligingsbedrijf dat & nbsp; veilige elementchips & nbsp; en oplossingen voor de crypto-industrie maakt. Onze beveiligde elementchips zijn geen gewone fiches voor slechts één gebruiker. Ze kunnen duizenden gebruikers tegelijkertijd ondersteunen. We kondigen & nbsp; 1RU-formaat appliance & nbsp; -systemen aan die tussen & nbsp; 100.000 tot 1.000.000 gebruikers kunnen ondersteunen.

Alle privésleutels van deze gebruikers bevinden zich in geïsoleerde chipgebieden en zijn niet toegankelijk voor andere gebruikers. Het is onmogelijk om alle sleutels tegelijk te stelen of te openen vanwege deze gescheiden beveiligde opslag. Er is geen kwetsbaar besturingssysteem dat je zou kunnen hacken, er is geen manier om de privé-sleutels te kopiëren, omdat zo'n functie simpelweg niet bestaat in hardware! Dit systeem kan worden gebruikt door & nbsp; online portefeuilles, beurzen, banken & nbsp; en andere bedrijven die verschillende blockchainactiva bezitten. U bent te allen tijde de eigenaar van uw privésleutels, niemand kan uw geld achterhouden of stelen. Het is niet langer mogelijk om uitwisselingen te doen.

Onze fiches vormen samen een goede & nbsp; Trusted Execution Environment (TEE). . Op een vergelijkbare manier als Teechan, maar zonder geld in betalingskanalen op te sluiten, stelt Trusted Execution Environment ons in staat om directe transacties tussen AsicVault-gebruikers uit te voeren, je zou ze ook Atomic Swaps kunnen noemen. Aangezien we verschillende cryptocurrencies zonder enige beperking kunnen ondersteunen, vormt hetzelfde TEE een hoogfrequent handelssysteem - & nbsp; Gedecentraliseerde Exchange (DEX). U bent te allen tijde de eigenaar van uw privésleutels. U hoeft niets te storten / opnemen. Zelfs uw persoonlijke & nbsp; AsicVault-portemonnee voor hardware & nbsp; kan rechtstreeks deelnemen aan de gedecentraliseerde uitwisseling.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Q1 2019

  • AsicVault.
    Hardware Wallet.
  • 2019

  • AsicVault Virtual .
    Online Vault.
  • 2020

  • Decentralized Exchange.
  • 2020 - 2021

  • Next Generation.
    AsicVault Security Chip.
  • Lees verder
  • 2022

  • To The Moon - AsicVault Satellite.

AsicVault Team

geverifieerd 100%

Hando Eilsen
Chief Architect
Andris Vaivods
Chief Commercial Officer


$28 000 000

Matiss Paegle
Corporate Finance
Nauris Circenis
Chief Tokenomist
Slava Kravtchenko
International Affairs
Toms Meijers
Marketing, Branding and design
Viesturs Selmanovs P...
Web Development


geverifieerd 67%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team


$8 400 000

Ong Jun Hao
ICO Expert, Crypto Advisor


$1 385 000

Nikita Sachdev
Brand Ambassador
Michael Major
ASEAN Strategy Advisor
Ivo Grlica
Blockchain Strategy Advisor
Stefan Allmer
Business Expansion Advisor
Dmitrijs Nazarovs
Legal Advisor

Voormalige leden

Rain Adelbert
Chief Hardware Engineer

AsicVault Interviews

Hando Eilsen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the Chief Architect of AsicVault. We started development of the first physically secure cryptocurrency wallet in 2016 and have now completed the MVP. My main role is running the business and leading the development team to make sure that our innovative ideas get implemented. I have strong background in Mathematics and I have been software engineer for more than 25 years. I also have deep knowledge about security, cryptography and hardware design.
What do you think about idea?
Since the very beginning AsicVault has had more than just single user hardware wallet in mind. Our chip design supports up to 5,000 isolated users on a single chip. Therefore, we are in an excellent position to provide large-scale solutions ranging from multi-user hardware wallets to decentralized exchange utilizing Trusted Execution Environment. Our mission is to provide security solutions that protect the full supply of Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies in existence at all levels. The ideas of improving wallet security and stopping exchange hacks are outstanding.
Andris Vaivods
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Marketing management, network raising, strategic partnership - all of the major tasks related to the Global expansion of the Asic Vault
What do you think about idea?
We spent more than three years working on the development of the Crypto Asic Vault chip. Now we are on the production stage of the New Generation Super Secure hardware wallets. And it is just a beginning of the story - the Asic Vaultid is the only way to the real decentralized Exchange.
Matiss Paegle
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a CFO, financial advisor responsible for the funding, budgeting, forecasting and control. Also a board member of the product development company.
What do you think about idea?
This will be a great success. 1000x less secure devices have sold in millions making the value of the companies into hundreds of millions. AsicVault not only will replace those hackable devices, but will provide an alternative to unsecure exchanges.
Nauris Circenis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My main role was to design the concept of the AsicFuel (AVF) coin. I also provided insight in the current crypto market and I am responsible for designing the project's tokenomics.
What do you think about idea?
I joined the team because I immediately recognized the technical superiority over current market players. I truly believe that AsicVault chips and technology behind them will revolutionize the Hardware Wallet market as well as speed up overall adoption of crypto. Beyond that AsicVaut technology can be used in many other fields: among them: personal identification, management of sensitive documentation/rights/patents, conventional payment methods like current debit and credit cards, encryption, authorization and many more
Slava Kravtchenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm responsible for international affairs and community outreach within the project. My duties range from making introductions and sourcing potential international clients to localisations and even religious laws and regulations.
What do you think about idea?
It's great! Seriously, we are all concerned with security, identity fraud, safe storage, etc. ASIC Vault takes away all your headaches in one go, it's just safe and very easy to use. Will it be a success? I strongly believe that three years of development, sleepless nights, rigorous testing both non-destructive and of course destructive have made a masterpiece possible. Get one and judge yourself!
Toms Meijers
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am responsible for all the branding assets and designs - from web page to advertising and any other brand applications! I also always try to be helpful in any other part of the project where I am confident that I can give a meaningful contribution .
What do you think about idea?
I am really confident about the techical superiority over any other similar product in the market, as well as I am excited about all the possible use cases that could be developed within AsicVault ecosystem!
Viesturs Selmanovs Pless
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm coordinating the development of all AsicVault web pages.
Main product page
And also ICO page
What do you think about idea?
Idea and product are really great and will be a breakthrough for crypto and blockchain community. Imagine HW specially built bit-by-bit for cryptographic algorithm acceleration. Its really next generation understanding about how hardware wallets and security with crypto assets should be handled. I personally have the possibility to work with AsicVault first products and they are amazing. Can't wait to see in real life implementation of True DEX, Single wallet that can handle atomic-swaps the way that your secret-keys never leave your device. And design ... AMOLED touchscreen ... graphic accelerator. You get the feeling
Nikita Sachdev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My Rome is to advise the project on marketing and communication strategies. To have a road map of potential events in line and create content for social media to increase exposure of ASIC Fuel. In addition, to introduce the company to potential investors and partners in the Asia region.
What do you think about idea?
The crypto world needs more security and ASIC Fuel can protect wallets from future hacks. It adds an extra layer of protection which is vital in the industry.
Michael Major
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role within Asic Vault is to provide the project with a roll out strategy for investment across ASEAN. Having worked within the crypto space for some time and raising capital for multiple projects, assists the team in meeting their fund raising goals. With strategic investment and private rounds being my focus. This ensures Asic Vault is a success for all those who participate my meeting its market cap expectations.
What do you think about idea?
Asic Vault is a hugely credible project, built by an immensely strong team. The rollout vision of the Asic Vault project will deliver incomparable solutions to its users. While brining long term value to backers.
Stefan Allmer
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
With a deep knowledge of managing international businesses, I am assisting the AsicVault in Global business expansion activities through my professional network in different regions.
What do you think about idea?
The Global Crypto market is growing rapidly. Everyone wants to make a profit very fast, but not everyone is following the security issues around the huge business opportunities.
AsicVault will become a one-stop agency where the customers will be able to buy, hold and exchange their crypto assets in the real secure environment.
Dmitrijs Nazarovs
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am responsible for legal related matters so that both investors and team members feel legally safe
What do you think about idea?
I am proud to be part of the team that created and promotes next generation cryptocurrency vault replacing simple hardware wallets.

AsicVault Laatste nieuws

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