Animal Nation

Animal Nation

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Laatste update

29 sep. 2022

AnimalNationTK is an application that will give you the possibility to secure your pet into the blockchain thanks to our advanced technology of animal facial recognition!
23 sep. 2022
12 okt. 2022
100% voltooid
Opgehaald geld - geen gegevens
  • 1 ANTK
    0.0003 USD
Details token
Geregistreerde bedrijfsnaam
Geregistreerd land
Bedrijf opgericht
Jul 2, 2022
aanvullende details



- Love to Earn: The concept of Love to earn will allow you to be rewarded with ANTK when you spend time with your pet. Your pet’s unique passport will be created through the animal recognition of AnimalNationTK. This passport's energy level decreases when the pet is not identified regularly.

- Find to Earn: The concept of Find To Earn allows you to reward with ANTK tokens, a person who has helped to find your reported lost pet. Activate the feature: The AnimalNationTK passport allows you to enable the lost pet feature in the app.This feature alerts app users that a pet has been lost in the geographic area where they are located. The lost pet feature provides access to a description of the pet with photos.Identify a lost pet: A person who encounters a lost pet will be able to make an identification with the animal's facial recognition and notify the owner of the presence of his pet.

- Play To Earn: The concept of Play To Earn will let you play a set of games that will allow you to earn ANTK.The different games: The games proposed in the form of photo safaris, games or tournaments will be related to the discovery of animals.

- Keep to Earn: The concept of Keep to earn will rewards with tokensANTK a person who takes care of your pet while you are away and sends you regular photos using the AnimalNationTK application.

Technische informatie


By downloading our ANTK application on Android or IOS.You will take a picture of your pet at less than 4 meters. Our application will create an avatar of your pet in order to create its passport.You will be able to acquire your passport which will be linked to your pet.This passport is essential because it will not only allow you to earn ANTK (token) but it will also give you access to a range of other services.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Roadmap


Animal Nation Team

geverifieerd 100%

Guillaume L
Community manager

Animal Nation Interviews

Guillaume L
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm a Community manager, a part of the communication team.
We manage all social networks and marketing offers.
What do you think about idea?
Our animanl facial recognition app is a very advanced technology, it will revolutionize Animal's lifes.
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