American Shiba

American Shiba

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USHIBA is a community token built on the Ethereum blockchain. It has been adopted by a strong and active community and development team who believes passionately in decentralization and doing good in the world through charitable giving.
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Over American Shiba

USHIBA volunteers are introducing new benefits to holders of the original ERC20 flagship token by means of expanding it on different blockchains. The new blockchain will powered by an enhanced, automated, and efficient reward distribution system. This distribution system will ensure that holders of the ERC20 flagship token are rewarded commensurately via airdrops for participating in the ecosystem, and will further our charitable mission by allocating tokens directly to charities to act as liquidity providers.

This distribution will be automatic, requiring no action from the part of Flagship ERC20 Token holders and is on top of the already givin 2% redistribution benefits.

American Shiba Laatste nieuws

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