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Growth hacking simplified for crypto startups with rewards for the community.
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At Kyte.One, we are developing AirLyft, the most complete decentralized, multichain, growth hacking platform ever created for projects to establish, expand, and engage their community. It is a feature-rich platform to incentivize on-chain/off-chain actions by the community. AirLyft also automates the validation, reward creation as well as distribution, thereby saving hours of marketing & development effort. This platform supports 9+ blockchains and is ready for all projects including DeFi, GameFi, NFT Projects, & Metaverses.

% naam% Roadmap

  • Q4 2021

  • Launch AirLyft's website - platform to build, engage & scale communities for crypto startups
    Release AirLyft Litepaper
    Start development on AirLyft
  • Q1 2022

  • Airlyft Platform Beta Launch
    Dashboard to create events
    Public UI to participate in events
    Support for twitter & telegram in AirLyft
    Support for meme competitions & quizzes in AirLyft
    Embeddable Widget
  • Q2 2022

  • $KTE Token TGE
    Smart Contract Integration in AirLyft
    Implementation of Token Utility with three tokens
    Referral Module
    KOL Pools & Dashboard
    Discord Integration
  • Q3 2022

  • AMA Module
    Content Curation Competition Apps
    Search Dashboard
    More Social Apps - Youtube, Reddit, Facebook, etc
    Content Qualification Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Surya Singh
Engineering & Co-Founder
Chandra Bhushan Sing...
COO & Co-founder
Rachit Magon
Engineering, Sales & Co-Founder
Muiz Nadeem
Engineering & Co-Founder
Aslam Shah
Neha Alreja
Engineering & Marketing
Omar Salim
Head of Marketing
geverifieerde Laatste nieuws

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  • Als u denkt dat er problemen of problemen zijn die moeten worden gecorrigeerd voor deze inhoud, of als u uw eigen ICO-project wilt indienen dat wordt vermeld, e-mail ons.
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