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AC3 is the leading blockchain powered digital content marketplace. Our mission is to be the one and only trusted destination to discover, protect, pay for and consume quality content and e-learning courses.
  • Markt
    Volume 24H
    24H (prijs)
    24H (volume)
  • BTC-Alpha
    AC3/USD % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0001
    $ 0.0001
  • BTC-Alpha
    AC3/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0001
    $ 7.53
  • BTC-Alpha
    AC3/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0005
  • SouthXchange
    AC3/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0012
    $ 1.47
  • SouthXchange
    AC3/DASH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0003
  • Bibox
    AC3/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0060
    $ 1.786 K
  • Bibox
    AC3/BIX % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0060
    $ 1.032 K
  • Bibox
    AC3/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0060
    $ 1.734 K
  • STEX
    AC3/ETH % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0038
  • Cryptopia
    AC3/BTC % count% een jaar geleden
    $ 0.0195
    $ 1.705 K
  • Cryptopia
  • Cryptopia

Over AC3

Who consumes digital content? Everyone! The global distribution of digital content and e-learning courses continues to grow rapidly. However, the issues involving payment and security, advertisement overload and the challenge to find original content does persist. We built the AC3 network because we are content creators and educators ourselves. Our focus is to maximize content creator's recurring revenue while also protecting their content.

AC3 is the leading blockchain powered digital content marketplace. Our mission is to be the one and only trusted destination to discover, protect, pay for and consume quality content and e-learning courses. We support the creators of original content and protect their content with our digital rights technology called Proof of Creation.

We provide content creators and educators with a reliable decentralized payment system to accept digital payments directly from their students and followers. With no bank or PayPal accounts needed, fees are nonexistent. Beyond payments, AC3's technology will revolutionize how creators protect and deliver content to their audience. This year, AC3 will be the only destination where one can discover, pay and consume content directly from our digital wallet.


AC3 Team

geverifieerd 0%

Aandacht. Het risico bestaat dat niet-geverifieerde leden feitelijk geen lid zijn van het team

Steve Mcgarry
John G Fields
James Lovatt
Eugenio Apolo
Chief Technical Officer
Brian Raisl
Head of Strategy & Partnerships
Frank Grant
Head of Law and Regulations
Ramon Aponte-Salcedo
Design & Marketing
Ana Costa
Web Designer/Developer

AC3 Laatste nieuws

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