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마지막 업데이트

2019. 1. 13.

우리의 목표는 간단합니다!
고품질 자동차 상세 서비스로 사용자를 연결하십시오.
Sparklemobile은 사용자가 전문적인 현지 자동차 상세 정보를 찾는 데 도움이되는 아주 새로운 모바일 올인원 애플리케이션입니다.
  • 시장
    24H 권
    24H (가격)
    24H (부피)
  • CoinTiger
    SPRKL/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0006
    $ 18.28
  • STEX
    SPRKL/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0001
    $ 0.0346
  • CoinTiger
    SPRKL/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0004
  • STEX
    SPRKL/USDT % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0004
    $ 0.0006
  • SouthXchange
    SPRKL/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 1.82
    $ 801.13
  • Mooniswap
    SPRKL/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0388
    $ 19.54
  • Idex
    SPRKL/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.3201
    $ 432.90
  • Uniswap (v3)
    SPRKL/ETH % count % 1 년 전
  • Vindax
    SPRKL/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0318
    $ 24.57
  • Vindax
    SPRKL/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0315
    $ 7.12
  • Bamboo Relay
    SPRKL/WETH % count % 1 년 전
    SPRKL/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0082
    SPRKL/ETH % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0047
  • STEX
    SPRKL/BTC % count % 1 년 전
    $ 0.0274
    $ 0.8618
2019. 1. 20.
2019. 2. 28.
100% 완료된
기금 모금 - 데이터 없음
600 000.00 USD
16 500 000.00 USD
  • 1 SPRKL
    0.39 USD
토큰 세부 정보
증권 시세 표시기
총 공급
토큰 배포
Development Treasury: 20%
SPARKLE Team: 10%
Marketing Bounty: 5%
Airdrop: 5%
Crowd Sale: 60%
허용 된 통화
최소 기부금
기업 세부 정보
등록 된 회사 이름
Sparkle Mobile Inc.
등록 된 국가
회사 설립
Nov 20, 2018
보너스 구조
*Presale Bonus

0.5+ ETH 0% 200 SPRKL
1+ ETH 0% 400 SPRKL
5+ ETH 10% 2200 SPRKL
11+ ETH 15% 5060 SPRKL
21+ ETH 20% 10080 SPRKL

*Mainsale Bonus

0.5+ ETH 0% 200 SPRKL
1+ ETH 0% 400 SPRKL
5+ ETH 5% 2100 SPRKL
11+ ETH 7% 4708 SPRKL
21+ ETH 10% 9240 SPRKL

*Regular Mainsale

0.5+ ETH 0% 200 SPRKL
1+ ETH 0% 400 SPRKL
5+ ETH 0% 2000 SPRKL
11+ ETH 0% 4400 SPRKL
21+ ETH 0% 8400 SPRKL
추가 세부 사항
MVP / 프로토 타입

약 Sparkle

현재의 추세가 보여주는 바에 따르면, 바쁜 삶을 따라 잡을 수있는 모바일 세부 정보 및 관련 모바일 서비스가 업계를 지배합니다. Sparklemobile은 고품질의 모바일 세부 서비스를 제공하는 현지 전문 자동차 디테일러 네트워크를 통해 사용자를 연결하고자합니다.

스파클은 에테 리엄 네트워크에서 생성 된 분산 토큰입니다. Sparkle은 피어 간의 작업 또는 작업 부하를 분할하는 분산 응용 프로그램 아키텍처에서 피어 투 피어 컴퓨팅을 허용합니다. 블록 체인에는 커뮤니티에서 자산을 소비 할 수있는 제한된 수의 소비자 기반 제품이 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 여기에는 여러 가지 이유가 있지만, 주로 정해진 요율로 상품을 판매 할 기본 아키텍처가 부족한 상인입니다. Sparkle의 주요 유틸리티는 비 금전적 상품 (디지털 통화)과 자동차 관련 서비스 (실제 상품) 사이의 점을 연결합니다. 스파클의 가치는 서비스 제공에 있으며, 기존 서비스에서 시장 변동성을 제거 할 수있는 능력입니다. Sparkle KYC 검증은 SPARKLE 고객의 인증을 검증하는 데 중요한 역할을합니다. SPARKLE 토큰이 제공되는 유일한 유틸리티는 아니지만 궁극적 인 목표는 데이터 보안 및 스파클 리소스에 대한 안전한 액세스를 제공하는 것입니다.

서비스 제공 업체로서, 우리의 개발 초점은 사용자를 양질의 지역 자동차 서비스와 연결시키는 기술을 개발하는 것입니다. Sparkle은 오늘날의 모바일 장치에 대해 가장 좋은 점을 이용합니다. 모바일 애플리케이션이 제공하는 단순성. 식사를 주문하는 것부터 운전 기사를 고용하는 것에 이르기까지 우리 모두는 손쉽게 인생을 편하게 할 수있는 응용 프로그램 목록을 제공합니다. 우리는 Lyft와 같은 서비스를 사용하여 택시를 찾는 데 소요되는 시간을 없애 편리하게 목적지까지 데려다 줄 수 있습니다. 일주일 동안 식료품을 주문하고 바로 앞에서 배달하도록 할 수 있습니다. 언제 애플 리케이션을 기억할 수 있습니까? 모바일 응용 프로그램이 현재 공급 업체와 고객 모두에게 없어서는 안될 도구이기 때문에 명품으로 간주되었습니다. 모바일 애플리케이션은 그 어느 때보다도 강력 해졌으며, 전 세계 소비자들의 신속한 수용은 향후 제품 및 도구가 소비자의 요구에 부응 할 수 있도록 기업의 벤치 마크로 사용됩니다.


Sparkle Token Emissions: Proof of Liquidity 
Liquidity is arbitrarily defined by the measure of the extent to which a person or organization accepts the cash to meet immediate and short-term obligations or assets that can be directly converted. In order for banks to meet funding needs for their operations and banks must be able to repay their own debts. They must obtain enough cash on hand to meet withdrawal requests and fund new loans for customers. Commercial banks satisfy interest on deposits, for some bank accounts, this may be exceptionally unsatisfactory, but for some saving accounts, the interest rate can be significant. 

In a period of inflation, the rate of interests on deposits is fundamentally important for maintaining the tangible value of your savings. For example, if inflation is 4% then keeping cash can reflect the value of savings decrease. However, if the financial institution is offering an interest rate of 6%, then the tangible value of your savings will increase. For some customers, interest payments on their bank savings can constitute a significant source of income. This account enables easy and quick access to assets, customers can withdraw at a moment?s notice. Some banks tend to yield terribly low-interest rates as they struggle to keep liquidity available to satisfy the demand of customer withdrawals. 

Although Proof of Stake has identified many benefits increasing scalability, its equally come a with an exasperating amount of work just to set up a node and maintain its reward schedule. PoS requires users to regularly coin control multiple times a week, and sometimes daily. We can assume the coin age is also reset by this process affecting users annual return rate. The annual return rate is virtually impossible to achieve simply due to its nature. Since Sparkle is built on Ethereum we don't require users to contribute work in order to process transactions but instead, Proof of Liquidity rewards users based on the amount of SPRKL held every 24hrs. Our integrated solution provides exceptional benefits allowing users to control their reward cycle with ease. Users are not required to have their devices on 24/7 but rather check in at the appropriate time based on the schedule defined by the user. Contributors interests rates can be determined by the number of tokens held by a user at any point in time. 

Advantages with PoL over PoS

Daily Rewards
Zero Network Weight Required to Participate! That's right, goodbye VPS hello monthly savings! 
Coin Resets Every 24hrs 
No Bootstrapping Required
No Coin Control Required
Scaled Rewards System
Timed Payouts

SPRKL Annaul Reward System
Percentage % Token Amount Token Symbol   1% <10,000 SPRKL 5% >10,000 SPRKL 20% >25,000 SPRKL 50% >100,000 SPRKL 80% >250,000 SPRKL

기술 정보

Sparkle 토큰 또는 SPRKL은 비즈니스 모델에 암호화 통화를 허용하기로 결정할 때 진출한 소매 업체 및 서비스 제공 업체의 장벽을 낮추는 것을 목표로하는 암호화 통화 제공 서비스입니다. SPRKL 토큰은 유틸리티로부터 시작하여 스파클 모바일 응용 프로그램을 통해 실제 통화 문제를 해결하기 위해 소매 업체가 암호화 통화를 활용할 수있는 방법을 보여줄 것으로 기대됩니다.

% name % 로드맵

  • Q1 2019

  • Coming soon

Sparkle 팀

검증 됨 88%

주의. 확인되지 않은 회원은 실제로 팀원이 아닌 위험이 있습니다.

Jonah Glasgow
Founder and COO
검증 됨
Matthew Randall
Senior Developer
확인되지 않음
Stephen Molander
Operations Manager Team Leader
검증 됨
Liz Lewis
Production Manager Team Leader
검증 됨
Stefanie Frost Jesse...
검증 됨
Ivan Muhar
Strategic Planning Team Leader
검증 됨
Andy (Erupt) Rogers
Management Support Team Leader
검증 됨
John Q
Community Manager Team Leader
검증 됨


Patrick Smith
Marketing communication manager

Sparkle 인터뷰

Jonah Glasgow
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
After founding Linda Projects Inc, Jonah has spent the past year designing Linda coin’s underlying infrastructure. With great vision
Jonah sees the importance of building a strong team compiled of members who are dedicated. Linda Projects Inc. greatest strengths
include the ability to offer major contributions in scalability and help reduce the impact of blockchain's carbon footprint. His personal
areas of expertise focus on network design, more specifically unique planning and implementation of a computer network
infrastructure. Some additional areas included marketing, brand identification, and most importantly team building.
What do you think about idea?
The idea of using private and public cloud resources in
conjunction is overall new territory in blockchain. The technique
has potential as a new solution for organizations who offer non-
monetary items to facilitate stable pathways to monetary item reliant
goods and services.
Stephen Molander
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Stephen comes from a family of entrepreneurs, with his late father building a successful water hauling business (contracts far exceeding $1MM CAD), and his mother pursuing a successful sole proprietorship in residential cleaning services and home staging. You could say that building businesses is in Stephen’s blood. Prior to embarking on his automotive paint correction journey, he dabbled in other entrepreneurial ventures in construction. His passion for vehicles, but also unrelenting drive to innovate proves that Stephen has what it takes to make SPARKLE a highly successful enterprise.
What do you think about idea?
Sparkle in its core is an amazing idea and opportunity. Not only is Sparkle the evolution of an industry into the modern world, but it also simplifies an industry that is often confusing to many. The Sparkle team has the talents and experience that will lead this revolutionary idea forward.
Liz Lewis
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Possesses over 20 years experience as a Senior Regional Manager, Project Manager and General Manager for multi million dollar
retailers such as Reitmans, Sport Chek and Hudsons Bay. Liz has been successful in recruiting, training and developing successful
teams across Canada, creating strong business partnerships and building trusting relationships with vendors.

Training, coaching and team building has been Liz's passion throughout her career resulting in highly skilled teams that deliver
excellence in presentation and sales. Additional areas of expertise consist of creating and implementing new initiatives for retailers
resulting in revitalization, rebranding and increased sales. As a Project Manager, Liz was able to utilize her planning, communication
and organization skills to ensure her projects were under budget and completed before timelines.
What do you think about idea?
Passionate and relentless in achieving goals by successfully leveraging her resources to deliver exceptional results.
Stefanie Frost Jessen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Stefanie is part owner and CFO of Mr. Frost Solutions; a corporation that specializes in automotive paint correction, detailing and ceramic coatings. As a professional accountant who grew up in a family that had a passion for cars, it’s no surprise that she finds herself immersed in the automotive industry. In addition to her experience with Mr. Frost Solutions, she brings to the table over a decade of progressive accounting experience in the oil and gas industry.

Having also held roles in finance and treasury cash management, her makes her well versed in optimizing the use of cash, and familiar with methods of raising capital whether it be through external debt or the issuance of equity. Her oil and gas experience exposed her to cash management on a global scale making her knowledgeable in dealing with foreign currency and the associated risks.
What do you think about idea?
Sparkle meets the demands of today's consumer; ultimate convenience when it comes to obtaining high quality goods and services. An app to connect vehicle owners with the best automotive detailers in the business, through the accessibility of mobile service has been long overdue!
Ivan Muhar
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Ivan has worked over the past year with industry leaders such as (Cpollo, GenesisX, X42, Peony, Lumeneo, Ethergem ), building new technology and solutions for their users.
With proven success, Ivan brings uniques set of skills to help sparkle with brand identification but also strategic market planning ensuring Sparkle makes a significant impact in 2019.
What do you think about idea?
I have known Jonah since his days as founder of Linda Projects.
Although I was never a developer, Jonah and I have similar work experience with a focus in marketing and brand identification. When Jonah and Patrick spoke to me about the use- case of Sparkle mobile, I immediately loved the idea.
Sparkle provides a mobile solution which I see catching on extremely quickly. Through aggressive marketing and positive user experience, I see Sparkle becoming a household name. Partnerships will grow, as well as our user-base.
The only thing that would make this project better would be if my face was on the mobile app 
Andy (Erupt) Rogers
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role mainly comprises of supporting the community and team, and offering positive support in any way that I can. I also regularly hold twitter marketing campaigns to help the world learn about Sparkle.
What do you think about idea?
The Idea is amazing, bringing the automotive and crypto industries together is long overdue. Purely from a crypto point of view Proof of Liquidity (PoL) looks to be a great solution to mining.
John Q
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Crypocurrency Consultant and Investor
Admin for Sparkle and previously with NoBs token.
What do you think about idea?
Spakle will change things! Being stabil is the future ..Market manipulation is a problem in cryptocurrency and needs to be solved with out regulation..

Sparkle 최근 뉴스

$ 0.0001
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 0.0019
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0003
ICO Price~$0.3900

% name % 리뷰

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

Nowadays mobile applications are as popular as never before. A rapid pace of life dictates its rules, which is why many vendors and service providers conduct their business online through the applications. Consumers, in their turn, also benefit from it, since mobile apps save time and always at hand. Sparkle does not stand aside from modern technology. Sparklemobile app seeks to connect its users with a network of local professional automotive detailers that provide high-quality services.


  • Sparklemobile offers a number of detailing packages and add-ons. Simply select and purchase the package that best suits your needs and a mobile detailer will be dispatched to your location to perform the requested service.
  • Track your detail service from initial dispatch through to completion of your requested detail services.
  • Rate your experiences with your selected detailing service through the Sparklemobile rating system.
  • Accept your SparkleGOLD reward for every automotive detail you purchase through the Sparklemobile application.
  • SPARKLE token is a decentralized ethereum-based token. Sparkle’s prime utility connects the dots between non-monetary items (digital currencies) and automotive-related services (physical product). The value of Sparkle lies in the delivery of a service, and its ability to remove market volatility from existing services offered.
  • Sparkle KYC verification serves an important role in verifying the authentication of Sparkle customers. SPARKLE token is not the only utility being offered, but the ultimate goal is to provide data security.
  • SPARKLE realizes the importance of removing the current volatility faced with Altcoins, allowing the business to receive tokens equivalent to USD based on the services offered. SPARKLE GOLD asset is back by a monitored treasury held with Sparkle financial institution Canada Trust which ensures the exact 1:1 ratio is honored when redeemed for in-app purchases or withdrawals.
  • Sparkle Developer Bounty promotes ecosystem growth through its robust offering of SPARKLE token to dedicated developers. It will encourage all proficiencies from experienced blockchain devs to aspiring students to build DApps, extensions, and protocol upgrades that help improve the overall functionality of Sparkle chain.
  • The sparkle faucet compiles unique advantages over conventional consensus models. Sparkle’s faucet removes the need for additional computational work like Pos or PoW and instead rewards continuous chain participation on a monthly basis.
  • With Sparkle hybrid cloud, the public and private computer environments remain unique but comprise a set of data and permissive applications that are portable between them. By dividing each network within Sparkle ecosystem, it allows Sparkle’s mobile application to process fiat and Sparkle Gold transactions at the speed of visa (24,000 transactions per second), in an environment where merchants and retailers are most familiar.
  • A lot of vetted and certified detailers across North America already joining Sparkle’s application. The project team plans to create the same network in the European and Asian regions.


  • The project whitepaper can be described as underdeveloped: There is no information on possible risks, a roadmap, a market overview. Main ideas are presented in a very general way. The text of the document is available only in English.
  • The platform token doesn’t give its owners a right to take part in a decision making process.
  • Sparkle project is still under development, so the final product may be different from the ideas described in the whitepaper.


  • Rewrite the WP to make it more informative and translate it into other languages.
  • Motivate SPARKLE token holders by engaging in the decision-making process.
  • Develop and improve the Sparkle concept to make the project competitive and viable.


Sparkle’s mobile application gives the ability to impact the automotive industry like never before. Sparkle has created a unique solution for merchants all over the world to accept peer to peer transactions directly from their customers by having a dedicated digital in-app currency. Plus the SPARKLE token is not volatile and shares properties of a stable coin. This makes the project viable and I would invest in it.

더 읽기
Jan 23 2019
  • 정보 업데이트에는 시간차가있을 수 있으므로 각 ICO 프로젝트에 대한 정확한 정보는 공식 웹 사이트 또는 기타 커뮤니케이션 채널을 통해 확인해야합니다.
  • 이 정보는 ICO 기금 투자에 대한 제안이나 조언이 아닙니다. 관련 정보를 철저히 조사하고 ICO 참여를 결정하십시오.
  • 이 콘텐츠에 대해 수정해야 할 문제 또는 문제가 있다고 생각되거나 자신의 ICO 프로젝트를 제출하고자 할 경우 이메일을 보내주십시오. a>
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