Sasha Andrieiev

CEO at Jelvix | Providing qualified remote developers | Web and mobile application development | Outsourcing company
About Sasha Andrieiev
As a founder, owner and CEO of Jelvix, the main part of my life was dedicated to raising my own company, watching it grow and assisting its development. Managing a company, be that IT or any other area, requires a lot of energy and determination, but first and foremost, it obliges you to balance between cold calculations and warm-hearted relations with your employees. Understanding and insight, weighting opportunities against risks, combining strings of information from different sources to see which decision is the most reasonable and efficient at this exact second is an everyday work. And you know that if there's something you do every day, you get better at it! Creating a team that will treat each other as family members is not easy. Building business connections is challenging. Keeping the pace with ever-changing business environment is tough. But we haven't come this far picking an easy road, and we're not going to stop, are we? :)
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