Didiet Noor

Software Architect | Tech Leader | Speaker
$ 106,657
Projects Raised
About Didiet Noor
I'm passionate on building and coaching high performance product engineering team making high-quality software for startup and enterprises. Advising the executive, management, and the tech team strategically on choosing and implementing technologies on their businesses. 10+ years of Extensive hands-on experience during all phases of software development lifecycle. I have done architecture, design, and development on all layers: from infrastructure, backend to the app. A believer of mobile as holistic strategy and experience, Therefore, software on all layers must be crafted specifically for that purpose. Have extensively applied and big believer of pragmatic and non-dogmatic Agile Software Development to continuously delivering value to business and reducing waste. I understand Software Architecture, Microservices, Domain Driven Design and Cloud Ops Engineering. To build experience in specifically for mobile, I have to understand the major mobile platforms: Android Framework, iOS with Cocoa Touch. In my free time I love to hack and explore the uncharted territories of Internet of Things as new form of strategic data capture and user interaction. Programming Languages I have used are Java, Kotlin, Golang, C, C++, and Objective-C. I use Docker, HCL (Terraform) and Ruby (Vagrant, et.al) for ops engineering on all major public clouds: Amazon Web Services, Google Compute Engine, and Microsoft Azure.
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