Daniel Shapiro

CTO at Lemay.ai
$ 2,520,000
Projects Raised
About Daniel Shapiro
CTO of Lemay.ai and running a team of AI (Artificial Intelligence), ML (Machine Learning) and deep learning researchers. We provide B2B solution architecture, commercialization, and value creation. Ask me how we bring value to companies like yours.
  • University of Ottawa
    • Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
    • Machine Learning (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • University of Ottawa
    • Masters of Applied Science
    • Electrical Engineering
  • University of Ottawa
    • Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.)
    • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • BGX
    • Advisor
  • DREAM Ecosystem
    • Advisor
  • Nuraleve
    • R&D Manager
  • See 12 more
  • University of Ottawa
    • Teaching Assistant
  • Zip.ca
    • Software Developer
  • Lemay.ai
    • CTO & Co-Founder
  • Investifai
    • Co-Founder
  • adbank
    • Advisor
  • Byte Nutrition Science
    • Co-Founder
  • Towards Data Science
    • Contributing Author
  • BlackSwan Technologies
    • CTO
  • Nuraleve
    • Acting CTO
  • Gambit IT Solutions
    • R&D Manager
  • FarmMaven Inc.
    • R&D Manager
  • University of Ottawa
    • Researcher
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