Zack Newmark

Media entrepreneur, consultant, and senior manager
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About Zack Newmark
I can’t remember exactly when I fell in love with news and entertainment, whether it was Mike Royko’s newspaper column revealing sides of my hometown invisible to me as an adolescent, or my parents taking me to see The Terminator in a movie theater when I was six. The media industry is just as exciting to me now as it was as a kid, and I am honored to have made a career out of something I love for the better part of 20 years. Developing brilliant new journalists and passionate producers has been amazing, and I have been lucky to work with such savvy colleagues. And now sharing the insights gained over that time with entrepreneurs and executives is an equally rewarding experience, whether as a consultant, senior manager, or conference presenter. This is a fun ride constantly bringing new challenges and opportunities. A career of building audiences, producing content, and growing businesses is truly my privilege.
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