Igor Slabykh

Open for new opportunities in the United States in anti-piracy, license compliance, copyright protection field.
$ 3,153,127
Projects Raised
United States
About Igor Slabykh
Igor has gained 15 years of legal, management and marketing experience in the companies providing support to the right holders. His high-placed positions allowed him to acquire unique experience in legal systems of different countries. He legally consulted big brands, resolved the issues regarding patents and license compliance, represented right holders in court and held other activities designed to protect intellectual property rights. Igor’s work for Adobe company holds particular value as he had to handle piracy issues on one of the most difficult markets, that of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. Igor will provide our team with legal advice and help to establish productive cooperation with big brands and international companies. His assistance will expedite developing an efficient framework for tackling the issue of computer piracу.
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