Hyeonjin Kim

CEO at JPromotion, CTO at Fanscoms
$ 1,396,237
Projects Raised
About Hyeonjin Kim
HyeonjinKim is a PR specialist, Interaction designer and ioT Developer with a passionate interest in interdisciplinary approach and work among art, design and technology. His background goes from industrial design to interaction design, passing through from brand promotion in diverse areas to researching user centered design. He has M.A degree from KunstUniLinz and worked as Researcher over 3years at Interface culture lab leading Multi disciplinary research with BMW, Bosch, AMTC and Ars Electronica. He is also involved in CTO at contents fusion research institute of Fanscoms.inc leading several national research projects developing Smart digital signage soulition and algorithms on recognition of people's age and sex for targeting advertisement by computer vision. He is now also leading Promotional strategy agency' Jpromotion' working with serveral clients around Fashion, IT and Blockchain ICO companies.
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