Erik Gomezel

Consultancy and optimization of trading software, infrastructure and strategies
Projects Raised
About Erik Gomezel
The world of money and finance is changing rapidly right before our eyes. While much of the world remains unaware or skeptical, the parallel world of crypto-finance is evolving faster than ever before. Cryptocurrencies have been seen by some as merely a passing fad or insignificant, but as time passes, the growing usage and range of capabilities we are witnessing indicate that cryptocurrencies are tak- ing on an important role, pushing cryptocurrency investing from a hacker novelty to a more common mainstream practice. Although many skeptics around the world are saying that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are nothing more than a bubble, new studies suggest the situation is not all black and white. While new cryptocurrencies appear and disappear continuously and their market capitalization is increasing exponentially, several statistical properties of the market have been stable for years. These include the number of active cryptocurrencies, the market share distribution and the turnove...
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