Dr Andreu Veà

Digital expert
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About Dr Andreu Veà
- Doctor in Electrical Engineering (Ph.D. ’02); - Master on IT Management (’97); - Master in Science: : "Digital Treatment of Signal and Information" (’95); - Electrical Engineer (’93); - Telecommunications Engineer (’91) by the Universitat Ramon Llull of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain) Since 1992, professionally dedicated to Internet, in the scopes of: university, the administration and finally in the privated industry, on where cofounded (1994) the fourth Spanish Internet Service Provider. At the beginning of 1998 joins Retevision (the Telecom Carrier which broke monopoly, actually called Auna after merging Cable Operators) From where he takes responsibility of the Internet Product Marketing and the launching of its ISP, participating in the launchings of the first Free Access (june 1999) and the First Flat Rate of the State Active member of the Internet Society (Reston VA, USA), of which he is cofounding and present President of the Catalan Chapter (ISOC-CAT) in 1995 July. Impeller of the Catalan Neutral Internet eXchange (CATNIX), stablished in April 7th of 1999; and member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Neutral eXchange (ESPANIX) acting as the Executive President. Manages his professional activity with teaching in La Salle School of Engineering, master classes on the following programs: Networks and Advanced Telecom Services, and on the e-Commerce Master. After 9 years, he has completed his Doctoral Thesis on Internet: "History, Society, Technology and Network development. An exposé of the most unknown face of the Internet". See the www.veabaro.info/tesi Defence Ceremony (e-Learning Format, needs RealPlayer) After reviewing his thesis works, Stanford University invited him to follow his research there. Specialties: Keywords: Internet Evangelist Innovation impeller. Information Technology. Multidisciplinary Team Organizer
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