Alexander Linenko

IDACB Advisory Board Member
Projects Raised
About Alexander Linenko
I'm blockhain enthusiast, entrepreneur and practicing expert in crypto economy, helping in ICO token-sales setting up and it's genius Marketing&PR support. My highest expertise is in the innovative blockchain projects developing and digital marketing processes automation. Came to blockchain sector in 2015th and immediately got involved with cryptocurrency mining assets, including mining facilities and capacities. In early 2017th has joined Cryptonomy Capital Fund to help launch it's business and sub-projects, including, token-sale of which raised over $18M, and LedgerPay – fiat-currencies tokenized by blockchain. A founder and former CEO at SatangDee – the first peer-to-peer lending platform in Thailand. Co-founder and former CEO at Uptopromo – Indonesian and Thai leading online-marketing automation SaaS solution. Developed and bootstrapped – a market leader in automatic search engine optimization. Author of books and articles on internet marketing and blockchain technologies. Over 10-year career as an Internet entrepreneur founded and co-developed numerous digital marketing and blockchain products. Current position - Lead Business Development Manager at ICOBox.
Associated ICOs