Golem is the first fully decentralized computer network and a global marketplace for computing power. Golem connects computers in a peer-to-peer network and enables users to rent resources of other users’ machines. They can be used for computer graphics rendering, realistic simulations, machine learning, scientific calculations, and other resource-demanding tasks. Similar cloud computing services are offered by centralized cloud providers Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM.
Put differently, Golem is a global decentralized supercomputer network that congregates the processing power of computers on the platform. Like Uber or Airbnb, Golem empowers people to rent their spare resources. At the same time, anyone in need can speed up or perform heavy tasks which would otherwise be too hefty for their hardware.
Such services are already offered by already existing cloud computing giants Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and others. Nevertheless, Golem hopes a peer-to-peer network incentivizing people to share and rent computing power would beat centralized services, offering cheaper, and more convenient services.
If it’s still difficult to see how leasing your computing power works, imagine the following post-production scene from any recent Hollywood blockbuster. They cost millions to produce, and a big chunk of production money goes to expensive CGI depicting breathtaking landscapes, dragons, superheroes, explosions, or other captivating effects.
Fundamentally, they are created by the teams of artists. They design the characters, elements, objects, environments and plot out the motion. Afterward, they send the designs with further instructions to a cloud computing service, which renders everything. It means calculating all the tiniest pixels of the scenes to create stunning images we enjoy. Every particle, dust, light and other objects move on their own, so all their movements have to be calculated to an absolute precision to make up a realistic impression of a real world. It takes simulating the entire world within a computer, so rendering intense CGI scenes requires massive computing power. And that’s where Golem comes to play.
Presently, Golem can assist anyone who works with graphics on any scale. Besides, anyone with spare computing resources can generate income. It’s estimated that an entire cloud computing market is worth nearly $130 billion. In the future, Golem plans to expand beyond graphics with machine learning being the next objective.
The Golem ecosystem revolves around the three types of stakeholders: resource requestors, providers, and software developers. Every one of them has different incentives to participate in the ecosystem.
At the moment, Golem runs its first version for CGI computing only. It’s called Brass, and it supports two templates: Blender and Luxrender, which are two common open-source frameworks for making computer graphics.
If you, for instance, need to render a beautifully animated scene made in one of these programs, then all you need to do is select the appropriate template, add all the necessary info into the task manager and send it to the Golem network.
On the other side of the process, a resource provider retrieves all the available task offers and chooses the best one. Then, he or she replies to the proposal suggesting a price and relevant computing power info. If the conditions satisfy the requestor, the needed files are transferred to the service provider via IPFS, and the computing process begins. Once it is complete, he or she sends the outcome back to the requestor.
In the final stage of the process, the task manager passes the information to different nodes for result verification. If all is well and good, the Golem payment system receives an order sent via Ethereum smart contract and executes the payment.
Another integral part of the Golem network is the reputation system. It serves as a way to find and verify valuable and reliable network members and keeps the system fair and square. It uses measures like the accuracy of results or payment confirmation time and plays a crucial role in the Golem ecosystem where all network users have equal privileges.
Besides the reputation system, other noteworthy Golem components include Application Registry and Transaction Framework. The Application Registry allows developers to publish their Golem dapps that help the network. The Transaction Framework is a set of requirements every developer must meet when adding a transaction model in a self-made Golem application.
It’s important to note upcoming versions of Golem will include the Task Definition Framework, which will allow the requestors to write their own code for specific tasks. Performing tasks outside of the predefined templates will only come in a later software version called Stone.
Golem Net은 실행중인 컴퓨터 (노드)에서 생성 한 P2P 네트워크입니다. Golem App. 어떤 사용자라도 골렘 앱을 사용하여 모든 컴퓨팅 작업을 네트워크. 어떤 사용자라도 Golem App을 사용하여 다른 사람. Ethereum 기반 결제 시스템을 사용하여 발신자와 수신자 간의 거래.
산업 분야 예 :
- 컴퓨터 그래픽 사실적인 렌더링
- 빅 데이터 분석
- 기계 학습 이미지 인식
- 암호화 Cryptocurrency 마이닝
- 전산 생물학 DNA 분석
- 전산 물리 입자 시뮬레이션
검증 됨 0%
주의. 확인되지 않은 회원은 실제로 팀원이 아닌 위험이 있습니다.
Golem is an ambitious project that uses distributed cloud computing to make supercomputing power available to the masses. It so far only works for CPU CGI rendering, but the team is working hard to develop more use cases. The success of Golem depends on these factors.
Golem is a three-sided marketplace that lets providers rent out computing power to requestors to perform calculations using compatible software.
Instead of mining, GNT is earned by providing adding your computer to the cluster. Tasks are divided into subtasks and completed based on available power.
Intel SGX isolate Golem processes from the rest of your computer to ensure end-to-end security of data and files being processed.
Golem Factory is actively seeking developer and requestors to ensure a sustainable market for providers. Machine learning and other use cases are in the works.
With these pieces in place, Golem is well-positioned for future success. Whether graphic designers, scientific research teams, video game developers, or movie producers, access to supercomputing power can achieve things once only accessible to super-wealthy and corporate conglomerates.
Golem is flipping that paradigm on its head. It’ll be interesting to see if they can convince professionals at conferences like the National Association of Broadcasters Show (NAB) or the Game Developer Conference (GDC) to accept their solution.
Keep watching the cryptocurrency news and the Golem price and market cap for the answer.
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