Aradena: Battlegrounds

Aradena: Battlegrounds


Our mission is to pioneer the next generation of blockchain gaming by creating gameplay that is as fun to play as top tier traditional gaming titles. By doing this, whilst decentralising gaming assets and providing players full digital ownership, we can provide players with new and better economic opportunities by earning from what they love doing.

To achieve this, we are currently developing Aradena: Battlegrounds, an immersive, turn-based Play-and-Earn strategy game where players build and train their army of NFTs and battle other players in complex, strategic gameplay in return for variable skill-based rewards based on performance in battle.

Whilst Battlegrounds is in development, our Questing system offers gamified staking to early holders in order to present fun game narrative to explore, the ability to earn AG, and the capability to start improving warriors to increase their value and earning potential.

Our long term plans are to integrate the battle system of Aradena: Battlegrounds into Aradena: Kingdoms, the flagship of our vision to build a medieval metaverse where players can battle and raid, build on their land, mine for resources, craft new NFT assets, and more.

We are a long-term project built for, and with our community of warriors. In sync with our community-driven ethos, our first objective was to build our community of friends and early investors. Just 3 weeks after opening our Discord's gates, our collection of 8,000 genesis Warriors of Aradena sold out in 13 minutes, one of the fastest generative avatar NFT sell-outs in history. Since then, a free claim period of Women of Aradena NFTs has released another set of genesis warriors.

Since launch, we have reinvested everything into our business, making many key hires and partnerships, planning out our next-generation sustainable token economy, ironing out an incredible game design, and beginning development. As a team of gamers ourselves, we understand that really great games are what will move the space of blockchain gaming forwards, whilst creating significant value for our community. We are a long-term project, taking our time to build properly and create a great, strategic game that is truly fun to play beyond the earning incentives.

From Liam, Jacob, and Tom, the founders of Aradena, as well as all of our amazing team, we want to personally thank you for taking the time to find out more about our mission, and hope that you join us on the exciting journey that lies ahead for our medieval fantasy metaverse.