Blockchain in Energy Forum 2019

New York , United States

약 Blockchain in Energy Forum 2019

As energy blockchain applications transition from POC to pilot phase, and more utilities deploy distributed ledger technology around the world successfully, blockchain's potential for transformation keeps growing. From transactive energy to asset tokenization and DER integration, this one-day conference will address real operational benefits and opportunities for new energy services and scalable business models.


Aleksi Paaso
Director, Distribution Planning, Smart Grid & Innovation at ComEd
Abhinav Tiwari
Head of Advanced Planning, Alectra Utilities
Lawrence Orsini
Founder & Principal LO3 Energy
Jesse Morris
Chief Commercial Officer Energy Web Foundation
Elta Kolo
Research Manager, Grid Edge, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables
Mr. Andrew Bruce
더보기 (4)
Sean Batir
Machine Learning Engineer, BMW
Henry Pease
Research & Development Engineer, BMW
Bernhard Schiessl
Advisor, Climate Finance, CICERO
Scott Clavenna
Chairman, Greentech Media




8:00AM - 9:00AM
Breakfast & Check-In
Sponsored By:IBM

9:00AM - 9:15AM
Get to Know the Audience

9:15AM - 9:45AM
Conceptualizing Blockchain: A Catalyst for the Energy Transition
Scott Clavenna, Chairman, Greentech Media

9:45AM - 10:15AM
A Blueprint for a Distributed System Platform: How a Major Utility Is Creating a Marketplace for DERs Through Blockchain in NY
Moderator: Elta Kolo, Ph.D., Research Manager, Grid Edge, Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables

10:15AM - 10:45AM
Fireside Chat – IBM’s Blockchain Advancements in the Energy Space
Moderator: Scott Clavenna, Chairman, Greentech Media

10:45AM - 11:15AM
Networking Break

11:15AM - 12:00PM
Enhancing Grid Services - Early Lessons on VPPs and Advanced Demand Response Blockchain Applications

12:00PM - 12:20PM
Case Study: The Impact of Blockchain in Mobility – Furthering the EV Transition

12:20PM - 1:20PM
Networking Lunch

1:20PM - 2:05PM
Strategizing Blockchain Adoption and Scalability - Utility Perspectives on Moving from Proof of Concept to Pilot

2:05PM - 2:50PM
Solving the Data Privacy Equation in Blockchain – Perspectives on Anonymous Transactions, Data Protection and Regulatory

2:50PM - 3:20PM
Networking Break

3:20PM - 3:50PM
Case Study: Blockchain as the Foundation of Alectra's Grid Exchange Transactive Energy Platform
Alectra Utilities is leveraging blockchain technologies to develop GridExchange, a platform for transactive energy that allows its users to create new energy markets, as well as bidding into existing ones.
Behavior changes set based on homeowner preferences for use of their distributed energy resources. The platform also creates statistics on customer energy usage and validates participation in these energy markets, confirming settlement when compensation for energy services has been paid.\
As a result, users are empowered with greater choices, control and autonomy to buy, consume, and sell energy, and the utility improves reliability and forecasting by gaining visibility of energy usage patterns and changing behaviors.
Abhinav Tiwari, Head of Advanced Planning, Alectra Utilities

3:50PM - 4:35PM
A Whole New Level of Transparency - The Impact of Blockchain on Renewable Energy Credit Tracking and Green Financing

4:35PM - 5:00PM
Startup Innovation Showcase

5:00PM - 6:30PM
Networking Happy Hour


2019. 9. 25. 오후 2:06 , AEST (UTC +10)
2019. 9. 25. 오후 2:06 , AEST (UTC +10)