What is $DOGE²
Leveraging Ethereum and Dogecoin Networks to Bring Scalable Solutions to Millions of Dogecoin Holders
$DOGE² is a Layer 2 solution that boosts Dogecoin's speed, efficiency, and utility. Starting on Ethereum, it leverages the network for fast, low-cost transactions. As it evolves, $DOGE² will move directly onto Dogecoin, creating a scalable platform for faster transactions and decentralized apps (dApps). The bridge between Ethereum and Dogecoin allows seamless transfers, unlocking new opportunities in DeFi, gaming, and payments for Dogecoin's vast community of over 6.9 million holders.
How $DOGE² Works
How $DOGE² Enhances Your Dogecoin
Layer 2 on Ethereum
We start by launching as a Layer 2 solution on Ethereum, using rollups and zk-rollup technology to bundle transactions for greater speed and efficiency. This allows $DOGE² to offer low-fee transactions that can scale infinitely with demand.
Transition to Dogecoin Layer 2
Once established, $DOGE² will move to Dogecoin’s own Layer 2 network. $DOGE² will build on top of Dogecoin, reducing the burden on the main Dogecoin chain and offering blazing-fast, ultra-cheap transactions.
Bridge Between Ethereum and Dogecoin
We’ll develop a seamless bridge that allows users to move assets between Ethereum and Dogecoin easily. This bridge will allow $DOGE² to tap into both networks, offering the security of Ethereum and the meme power of Dogecoin.
Key Technologies
zk-Rollups: Compress hundreds of transactions into one, increasing efficiency.
Smart Contracts
Enable decentralized apps (dApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) on Dogecoin.
Cross-Chain Bridge
Instant transfers between Ethereum and Dogecoin networks.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
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