What is Difo Finance?
Difo Finance is a multi-chain middleware platform that supports interchain dApps from development to operation. Without any need for the existing blockchain trilemma, the multi-chain middleware technology being developed by Difo Finance directly connects all the blockchains to each other and enables the smooth transfer of data from one blockchain to another without any wrapping, bridging, or custodians.
Everything for the developers is on a single platform. Being developed by Difo Finance, the multi-chain middleware platform provides all the essentials required by a dApp developer on a single platform. With just a few lines of code, dApp developers can develop many various decentralized applications such as scalable interchain dApps, various protocols, Web3 applications, several DeFi projects, decentralized exchanges (DEX), and multi-chain wallets traditionally by utilizing Difo Finance's middleware technology. In keeping with the nature of multi-chain DeFi, Difo Finance is also developing three different products that are transparent and user-friendly in addition to its middleware technology.
Difo provides a dApp platform on multi-blockchains. In particular, to achieve the objectives in 3.1, Difo works on the lifecycle of the dApp. Difo Finance's middleware technology supports the entire process from the development phase to the operation phase of any dApp without any problems. In traditional integration of heterogeneous systems, an extra abstraction layer, such as a virtual machine or chain, is usually added to create a unified environment. However, a layered approach causes computational overhead and limits the use of features specific to the subsystem. Difo's middleware technology offers a more basic solution with advanced programming language techniques. The dApp in Difo is very easily developed for multi-blockchain systems and is reconfigured into native form for each blockchain system during the deployment phase. For this purpose, Difo splits a dApp into separate smart contracts for each system in multi-blockchain and then transforms each of them into the native smart contract form (translates it into a different language). Thus, the multi-blockchain system directly executes each dApp component without overhead. Since Difo combines multi-blockchain systems, the dApp can securely utilize the token systems of existing blockchain systems and at the same time execute functions efficiently with the component in manageable blockchain systems (e.g. private blockchain). Moreover, this can be accomplished by extending the existing smart contract code, such as Solidity on Ethereum. In addition, we introduce a new dApp programming language called iMurkai to support the new program model of the multi-blockchain system.
1. Listing Guarantee
Difo Launchpad guarantees that immediately following the exchange of IDO, the resulting token will be listed on three trading central exchanges (CEX) within the crypto ecosystem. This allows them to quickly access liquidity and find breakouts following the IDO.
2. Difo Launchpad forces token prices above the IDO price until the tokens are fully deployed.
If the price of the tokens locked in a lock decreases on the day the lock is removed, Difo Launchpad will be able to refund the IDO software in a standard amount of USDT or USDC at the original sale price. This mechanism is designed to protect investors from possible price declines.
3. Compliance with the Authorization Plan
Projects will be funded only in installments in accordance with the Difo Launchpad investment plan in case of any unforeseen situation such as project abandonment, malicious entities, cyber attacks, system failures or token price negativity.
This allows it to multiply and change the currency if negative situations arise.
4. Smart Contract Audit
Difo Launchpad does not accept poorly designed hosting projects in its smart contracts.
The platform conducts audits on all projects to ensure that your smart contracts are free from pull mechanisms, proxy contracts, honeytraps, centralized blacklisting (excluding bot blocking at launch), unauthorized minting, or other malicious tax structures.
1. Protection of Investor Capital
Difo Launchpad has developed a buyback protection program specifically designed to protect the capital of participants in IDOs. This program provides 100% protection against any FUD (fear, performance, doubt) events.
2. 90% Protection Guarantee
Difo Launchpad guarantees that 90% of all capital invested in IDOs will be secured by a comprehensive clawback protection policy for six months.
3. Buyback Protection Program
Before detailing the workflows of rollback protection programs, here is a brief example of leveraging backup for durability.
If the price of a token produced by Difo Launchpad declines over 15% of the initial listing price within six months from the initial listing date, Difo Launchpad will refund 85% to 90% of their principal capital participating in the IDO in USDT, USDC or BUSD .
This mechanism allows growth to sell their tokens back to Difo Launchpad if the token price drops by 15% of the IDO sale price within six months after initial listing or after locked tokens are unlocked. As a result, investments are secured against possible price decline risks for a period of six months through the buyback protection program.
4. Operational Mechanism of Buyback Protection Program
Difo Launchpad only lists IDOs of projects that do not agree to offer between 85% and 90% protection. The process works like this:
• Difo Launchpad secures 85% to 90% of the revenue from token sales by women participating in buyback protection.
• These funds are held in a multisig budget jointly managed by the project owners and Difo Launchpad meeting Members.
• In case of any decrease in prices after İDO's growth, these funds will be used for the return of the invested capital.
Q2 2024
Q3 2024
Q4 2024
Q1 2025
Q2 2025
Q3 2025
Q4 2025
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