

RapidAPI is the world's largest API Hub where millions of developers find and connect to tens of thousands of APIs.

약 Rapidapi

We're a team of developers, building for developers, based in San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Tallinn, Berlin, and remote locations around the world.

Cameron Bernard
Director of Demand Generation
Jon Ruffier
Chief of Staff
Scott Ehrlich
Sales Development Representative
Lindsey Bell
Director of Product Operations
Ron Gimpelevich
DevOps Engineer
Sean Kilgore
Senior Platform Architect
Dima Poleacov
Team Squad Leader
Suzanne Panoplos
VP of Marketing
Vijay Gill
SVP of Engineering
Dennis Ware
Tier 1 Customer Support Representative​
Maksym Viushkin
Product Designer
Brittany Perez
Director of Account Management
Wade Wegner
SVP of Product
Robert Poulsen
Assistant General Counsel & Director of Operations
Leroy Walker
Enterprise Account Executive
Melissa Zomersztajn
Tel Aviv Office Manager
Nirmalya Ghosh
Senior Developer Programs Engineer
Jason Hudak
VP of Platform Engineering
Avishay Ashkenazi
Head of DevOps
Bettina David
Accounting Manager