Moby Media

Moby Media

약 Moby Media

Moby Media is home to a professionally run AMA channel and media outlets that feature podcast-style interviews with industry leaders. These interviews delve into various aspects of the guests' ecosystems, including tokenomics, marketing, team composition, and vision for the future. With over 1000 successful AMAs already conducted, Moby Media has featured some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Binance, Polygon, Solana, Near, Algorand, Cosmos, Tron, Avalanche, Arbitrum, and many more. In addition to its impressive track record, Moby Media is committed to publishing blockchain education material and growing its YouTube channel. All of its social media accounts are verified, ensuring that users have access to trustworthy and reliable information. One of Moby Media's most significant achievements is its recent collaborations with universities. By fostering relationships with blockchain clubs at the collegiate level, the platform is equipping students with the necessary tools and resources to make a significant contribution to the future of decentralized technology. Some of its university partnerships include Duke, Cornell, Virginia Tech, Michigan State, Vanderbilt, Virginia Commonwealth University, NOVA, and College DAO. Whale Coin Talk takes immense pride in its educational approach to promoting the adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.