HyperChain Capital

HyperChain Capital

Premier digital assets management company in the new economy. Focused on blockchain based projects and decentralized protocols.

약 HyperChain Capital

One of the first in the world, HyperChain is a digital assets management company focused on Blockchain based projects and decentralized protocols.

Blockchain assets or digital assets are one of the main pillars of the new economy, emerging as a new digital asset class where people get rewards at the protocol level. If TCP/IP or HTTP protocols were tokenized as digital assets in their early development, it would have unleashed billions of dollars in value for their users and investors.

HyperChain's philosophy is to do good, as an early participant and consultant to Blockchain protocol projects and organizations that support innovative technologies. We value our partners and work hard every day to make sure that every team working with us succeeds and does good.