

약 Fortuneone

Fortune & One LLC joint venture is forged through the alliance between Fun Fortune Limited (Hong Kong) and One National Energy Companies Representation LLC to bring in the technology, talents, infrastructure required to make Abu Dhabi the leading country in the Web 3.0 revolution which could vastly change the world just like how the development of the internet (Web 2.0) in the 1990s changed the commercial, social, economic landscape of the world.

The mission of Fortune & One LLC is to promote the compliance and healthy development of crypto assets and its related industry. Powered by cutting-edge technology and innovation, Fortune & One LLC commit to contribute to the development a clean and compliant crypto industry.

With own proprietary mining equipment and solutions, that Fortune & One LLC could utilize to enhance the efficiency of crypto mining centers and the utilization of associated gas from oil field to power the miners, they are able to vastly improve the efficiency of energy usage used for crypto mining.