

Dapp.com is a space where everyone can learn about what decentralized technology is and how it can transform the world. We help you understand, create and enjoy this exciting new technology with confidence.

약 Dapp

We are obsessed with blockchain technology and its massive, exciting potential. We’re always checking out the latest decentralized app (dapp) launches, reading industry news, attending and speaking at conferences… 
Why are we so into all this? Well, we mentioned potential. The blockchain is an entirely new technology, and is so much more transparent, open and secure than what we’ve been used to. Because there are no central entities running the show, it’s a far more democratic space in which we place our trust in processes, rather than in people. 
 While cryptocurrencies have been hitting the headlines, the applications for decentralized technology extend way beyond Bitcoin and financials. The industry is so new that the surface hasn’t even been scratched yet! Working in this space at such an early stage is incredibly exciting. 
 We know though that many people find the blockchain and decentralized tech to be mystifying and overwhelming. So we have set up Dapp.com to help as many people as we can to understand what it’s all about, why it’s so exciting, and how you can use it - either as a developer, or as a user.


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Kyle Lu
Founder & CEO
Eric Jiang
Co-Founder & CTO
Jun Gong
Haoda Wang
Lead Developer
Junye Yang
Back-End Developer
Wladislav Glad
Design Director
Yuekun Lee
Product Designer
Jietian Xiao
Product Designer
Alessio Casablanca
Content Specialist
Jessie Zhou
Digital Marketing
Liddia Demchenko
Digital Marketing