Crypto Revolution Investments

Crypto Revolution Investments

investment fund that strategically invests in cryptocurrencies and digital assets with proven technologies, secure and adopted systems and sound commercial use cases.

약 Crypto Revolution Investments

We are on a mission to strategically invest long term in crypto currencies and digital assets with proven technologies, secure and well adopted systems and sound commercial applications and use cases. With the arrival of mainstream media coverage of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other blockchain systems and the fast approaching US$200 billion crypto currency market capitalisation the future of blockchain technology is clear: the digital ledger has been accepted. At CRI we are seeking to create a managed fund that is the first of its kind in Australia and the first public company to bring a dedicated crypto investment service to the market. With ongoing barriers to entering the crypto currency market across all asset classes our aim is to create a well established and profitable crypto investment fund that is available to the general public.

Madison Van Bennekom