

The Decentralized Global Content Ecosystem.

약 Contentos

Contentos is a blockchain protocol that aims to form the foundation for a decentralized digital content ecosystem that empowers all members, including creators, consumers, and advertisers, to earn fair compensation for their contributions. Contentos also intends to establish itself as the future Ethereum of digital content, accepting content DApps of all kinds.
Social media offers the opportunity for every user to have a platform dedicated to the promotion of their individual visions of the world at large. The current content ecosystem is run by centralized platforms that depend on advertising for revenue. Content creators are, therefore, pressured to produce content that is approved by advertisers instead of following their creative muses and expressing themselves freely. The constraints inherent to ad-driven content platforms begs the question of just how much freedom of expression is actually allowable. Are these individual influencer world views being traded in for carefully-crafted sponsored content for the masses? Furthermore, when looking at the bottom line, it’s imperative to ask the question, where is the majority of the money going? In the current content system, corporate platforms reap the lion’s share of rewards generated by ad dollars, leaving mere pennies to the influencers whose content the platforms depend on. These tech giants tempt content creators with promises of viable income while exploiting their creations for their own gain. In this model, creators and users lose while the tech platforms flourish at their expense.


5 289

Mick Tsai
Andrew Xu
Sr. Director of Business Development
Zac Nien
Sr. Director of Product Management
Ava Wen
APAC General Manager
Peter Wei
VP of Engineering
Charles Fan
Founder and CEO at MemVerge


$62 230 000

Hitters Xu
Founder of Nebulas
Ricky Ray Butler
CEO at Branded Entertainment Network
Bo Shao
Chairman, Evolve.Foundation

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