

80 percent of the wealth in the cannabis industry is concentrated in the hands of the few. This multi hundred dollar market provides an opportunity to create lasting economic change for everyday people, if done properly. Our model turns this centralization of wealth on its head, decentralizing the growing portion of the process, and spreading the wealth amongst the many. We provide Citizens with our hands-off growing box; we control all aspects of the Harvest; and we split the profits with our Citizens.

약 CitizenGrown

In the first green rush, as states began to strike down the prohibition of cannabis, hope spread that this would create economic opportunities for all. But the reality has not lived up to the dream. To this point, the cannabis industry has provided little justice to those who suffered the most from the war on drugs. Instead, all it’s done is make the rich richer.

Every day, major corporations reap obscene profits from selling their cannabis to disadvantaged communities across the country. Yet, they’ve offered few economic opportunities to uplift and empower those same communities.

Many have taken to the streets to protest. The cries have grown louder for our elected leaders to fix these inequalities. But all we’ve received in return are broken promises and half-measures.

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