Blockchain Institute of Technology

Blockchain Institute of Technology

Blockchain Institute of Technology has earned itself a position as one of the world’s finest education providers as far as the blockchain technology goes.

약 Blockchain Institute of Technology

If you are keen to get education and training in cryptocurrency and blockchain, this is the place to be in. You can also learn about the cutting-edge technology that underpins cryptocurrency and the sophisticated AI that allows users to trade bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies here.

The Blockchain Institute of Technology has a faculty of experts in crypto and blockchain technologies, and a curriculum that covers key areas in both these spheres. Therefore, training programs here are designed to train students with necessary skills and knowhow on how to use blockchain.

In today’s age, business professionals should ideally be able to evaluate risks situations. For this, it is necessary to have a proper understanding of the blockchain concept, in-depth knowhow about cryptos and blockchain, understanding of risks related to and possible effects of blockchain implementation, and knowledge of steps to prepare towards a blockchain future. When the firm management is equipped with this knowhow and expertise, it is possible to devise creative solutions for clients.

How to become a certified professional:

The Blockchain Institute of Technology is committed to training developers and executives so that they can create and apply blockchain-driven solutions. This application of the groundbreaking technology can help companies to better handle many professional situations. The institute provides a well-defined curriculum for students keen to know about the blockchain, cryptos and Bitcoins. In this, there is also a comprehensive evaluation process wherein participants can take an elaborate exam to earn the degree of a Certified Blockchain Professional or CBCP. This certificate that is issued by the BIT board confirms a student’s knowledge level. Once they have received this certification on passing the necessary exams successfully, these executives can then provide blockchain-approved third-party proof of their individual expertise on their public profiles or resumes. All blockchain courses offered by BIT have been approved for credentials by the FTI or Foundation Technologies Institute.

The certification exam comprises of a timed, online exam having 90 questions. These need to be answered within an hour. If the candidate can complete this exam with a pass grade of 70%, he will have earned the qualifying score to make him eligible for the certificate from BIT. He can then display CBCP credentials in his resume. Moreover, permanent records of candidate certifications will remain recorded on public blockchain and made available for verification by third parties.

This CBCP certification remains valid for a period of 2 years initially but may be extended before the period expires. For this, the student must take extra counting educational courses from the institute. This is an important measure to ensure that all certificate holders continue to stay informed about the latest in blockchain technology and have current expertise on both the cryptocurrency and the blockchain.

As a CBCP, you will be expected to have professional-level expertise and competency in areas like the Bitcoin, blockchain, business application of blockchain, smart contracts, decentralized applications, and cryptocurrency.