Blockchain Consultants

Blockchain Consultants

Investment Banking used to be a highly innovative industry, but years of cost-cutting and restructuring have weakened the structures and culture that once encouraged new client-centric ideas and innovation. Technological and entrepreneurial talent has recognized this stagnation and begun to turn to other industries. Continued Regulatory pressure, technical debt, and the massive sunk cost of legacy systems also serve as barriers to innovation.

약 Blockchain Consultants

We’re living in a new generation of employment. The corporate system that most people thought they were safe in is ending. It’s dying. Today, it’s no longer a choice of “should I be an entrepreneur or an employee?” We’re all entrepreneurs. And our product is ourselves. Our time. Our energy. Our dedication and commitment. We hope you can break through the noise and find success in today’s new, information economy.

Blockchain Equities is designed to provide you access to an area of the market that in recent history provided some interesting returns, with massive upside, as well as tremendous downside potential. In this market, our goal is to find a solid set of assets that we feel have potential and then structure Equity in a manor that is equable for all parties. How well we meet these goals, is yet to be seen, all we have today in November of 2018, is a new horizon.

The Blockchain itself is based on the principles of cryptography, hence the name “cryptocurrencies”.  A cryptocurrency is any kind of peer-to-peer digital money powered by the Blockchain technology. Since Bitcoin’s appearance in 2009, thousands of new cryptocurrencies (often called altcoins) have been created, all of which offer different advantages and disadvantages. Most promise to be the next Ethernet, or the answer to some massive social ill, or they simply add Blockchain Technology to something that Blockchain Technology should never be added to, over 90% will fail.

The challenge the government has with ICOs is the lack of transparency. IPOs must submit a criterion of information, by completing a prospectus to register. The prospectus provides a summary of the company’s financial information. This requirement, available to investors, gives a full analysis of a company’s profile.

Michael Noel Cbp
Co-Founder & CEO
Ted Sprink
Gabe Hill
Aaron Babcock
John Crockett
Michael Noel
Co-Founder and CEO

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