Bitcoin Unlimited

Bitcoin Unlimited

The Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System for Planet Earth

약 Bitcoin Unlimited

The Bitcoin Unlimited organization maintains the open-source Bitcoin client by the same name. The organization's mandates are:

  1. To foster competing implementations of the Bitcoin protocol in order to provide more choice to node operators and to add robustness to the network.
  2. To support the continued growth and adoption of Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer electronic cash system as described in Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper [PDF].

The organization is governed by its Articles of Federation [PDF] and controversial decisions are settled by members voting. The organization is funded by donations, and it awards grants to qualified groups and individuals to help fund projects in line with its mandates.

Bitcoin Unlimited does not allow overhead when giving to universities or other institutions.

Andrew Clifford
President Bitcoin Unlimited
Andrew Stone
Lead Developer
Dr. Peter Rizun
Secretary / Chief Scientist
Andrea Suisani
Key Developer
Peter Tschipper
Key Developer
Dr. Christopher Wilm...
University Liaison
Jerry Chan

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