
Donations for Notre-Dame Restoration Rewarded by BlockShow
The world is united in mourning the damage caused to Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, France. In the face of such a tragedy, it is important to look to the future and work to restore the cathedral to its former glory. Therefore, organizers of one of the world’s largest blockchain conferences, BlockShow, have launched a donation program to support restoration efforts.
Crypto Invest Summit (CIS) April 9-10
In early April Los Angeles became a pilgrimage site for crypto enthusiasts.
Why, Bitcoin is not a murky market for Tim Draper
Tim Draper has made a staggering $88 million from his Bitcoin investments in a term less than five years.
Is blockchain the next disruptor for manufacturing?
Manufacturing is a key driver of the global economy. This sector alone accounts for nearly 17% of global GDP, according to the World Bank. With the benefits like reducing costs by multiples, decreasing lead time to focus on other core competencies and other great benefits, the application of blockchain will enable manufacturers to generate greater visibility within their manufacturing process and simplify mundane and costly steps. Unfortunately, the industry has always been rife with inefficiency and quality-control problems. Fake products can make their way to market because the current system lacks a way to track what’s real and what’s not.
New Taipei City Mayor, Hou Yu-Ih to address World Blockchain Summit this April
World Blockchain Summit (WBS) is making a historic foray into Taiwan and the Mayor of New Taipei City, Hou Yu-Ih, will be addressing the state’s progress on blockchain and crypto adoption. Other stalwarts speaking at the summit include Roger Ver, Tim Draper and The Godfather of VOIP, Alex Mashinsky, to name a few.
IT HAPPENED: NEXT BLOCK SOFIA 2.0 Blockchain Conference!
On April 12th, 2019, in Rainbow Plaza Sofia, a premier blockchain event NEXT BLOCK Conference Sofia 2.0 "The Future of Securities and Blockchain Technology" was held by Krypton Events.
2019 Chain Plus Asia Pacific Blockchain New Finance Summit
2019 Chain Plus Asia Pacific Blockchain New Finance Summit · Singapore station Completed Successfully
Results of crypto event in the Czech Republic: Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Prague What did speakers discuss?
The conference involved leading blockchain specialists from the Czech Republic and technology enthusiasts from other countries. It was opened by Sean Patterson, Co-Founder of Euro Digital Partners.
Future Cities Show concludes on a grand note
International Data Corporation (IDC) indicates that spending on smart city technology is expected to grow to $135 billion by 2021
Kickstart your Project on an International Platform With UCIM Pitcher Perfect
Are you ready to take your project to an international level and give it a much needed kickstart?
Barcelona Trading Conference 2019
Barcelona Trading Conference 2019 Gathers Builders of Institutional Crypto Trading
Security Token Summit 2019
At the beginning of April, Los Angeles hosted the preeminent digital securities industry event
DigiByte Summit Agenda
Cassiopeia Services are pleased to share the agenda for the first DigiByte Global Summit in Amsterdam – less than two weeks away on 19th April 2019. The summit will host some of the most prominent experts working in blockchain and decentralisation today. All are developing projects that build on the DigiByte blockchain, deploying it to new applications such as digital identity, data privacy and digital asset trading. Created by Jared Tate in 2014, DGB boasts high scalability and security, together with a forward-thinking approach to development. As such, the technology is a perfect fit for breakthrough projects and concepts, having seen considerable growth in adoption and awareness over the past few years.
UAE’s intelligent transportation system sector to witness 9.2 percent CAGR during 2017-2023: report
• Rising demand for smart vehicles and IoT solutions driving market growth • Future Cities Show to convene experts to tackle impact of smart mobility
Italian Affiliate EXPO 2019
Only six months after the first edition, Affiliate EXPO achieved another success. 700 people went to Rome on March 29th-30th-31rs 2019 for the second edition of Italian Affiliate EXPO. The event official hashtag #affexpo brought Affiliate Marketing to the forefront. Also this year Adriano De Arcangelis, Mattia Scattolin and Daniele Butturini managed to gather the Italian and internacional excellences of the Affiliate in an only room.
Blockchain Life 2019 Asia
On April 23-24 Binance and Huobi speak at Blockchain Life 2019 in Singapore