

Created using Figma
A Decentralized, All-in-One Financial, Exchange And Development Services Ecosystem
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
  • Altilly
    ZMY/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0037
    $ 1.46
  • Altilly
    ZMY/XQR 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0012
    $ 0.0083
  • Nova Exchange
    ZMY/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0024

Di Zumy

The Zumy cryptocurrency is a publicly accessible and secure digital currency network for sending Zumy instantly around the globe, in a simple, intuitive and cost-effective way. Zumy uses an advanced Proof-of-Work CPU mining consensus mechanism that comes with built-in security assurances to keep its distributed network resilient against malicious attacks.

A newly launching ecosystem with a decentralized, all in one financial exchange and development Services ecosystem. Ever evolving in creating a safe haven for all creators online and offline.

Mastercord is one of Discord’s first automated masternode pool service – created by the Zumy.co Team. What makes Mastercord different is it brings together social media with the world of crypto even closer, by allowing Discord to now run it’s own Masternodes. Thus forming MasterCord.

Our aim with Zumy was to “plan to incorporate its developments projects within social media allowing crypto to be easily accessible for all across all internet platforms.” And this is exactly what we have done here, by getting a complex concept for users across the crypto currency platform and really make it more user friendly and worldly accessible by incorporating it into Discord a growing and modern social media service.

Zumy Ultime novità

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