Wall Street Capital

Wall Street Capital

Created using Figma
$WSC is an improved version of $MCC and other $MCC forks, but better because holders benefit instantly from the assets that $WSC acquires.
To be announced
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Di Wall Street Capital

Wall Street Capital has a treasury fund that we call, "THE WOLF OF WALL STREET".

This fund will be used to buy digital assets (ex : very promising coins, big nfts, farms, lands etc...) and all the holders will be airdropped their portion of these assets that the treasury buys based on the percentage of supply they hold.

The selection process of these investments is thoroughly researched to guarantee that each project fulfills the specific criteria that we seek. This includes a strong use-case and utility, as well as the potential for massive future gains as these projects continue to mature and develop.

After each investment is made, holders will receive their portion and be able to freely do with it as they wish.

Wall Street Capital Ultime novità

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