WalkN App

WalkN App

Created using Figma
WalkN exists with only one mission - To bring people, fitness and crypto together by building a solid platform that rewards people to take care of their fitness.
I dati non sono disponibili
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
Seed 0,4%
Private Sale 7,0%
Public IDO 4,2%
Rewards/Staking/Airdrop 55%
KOL Marketing 2,8%
Team 10%
Advisors 2,6%
Liquidity (DEX and CEX) 14%
Treasury 4%
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di WalkN App

WalkN exists with only one mission - To bring people, fitness and crypto together by building a solid platform that rewards people to take care of their fitness. WalkN provide a platform for improving one's fitness while earning rewards in cryptocurrency. It leverages newly born trend, Move2Earn. The app users purchase an NFT of their choice, start the app, and earn money with every step they take. According to World Health Organization(WHO), the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted human life in the most drastic way. The COVID-19 is also the first such pandemic that has challenged global public health systems, food security, as well as mental health of people. Through this new Move2Earn concept, we're encouraging people to take charge of their health through reward-for-good-behaviour philosophy. So, by rewarding people in monetary values, we encourage them to move more, do more and become healthier. 


  • 0% Buy Tax
  • 2% Sell Tax

WalkN App Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Daniel Hoch
non verificato
Francis John
non verificato
Petro Donavan
non verificato
Salim Mo
non verificato
Kate Brown
non verificato

WalkN App Ultime novità

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