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Un sistema di pagamento che combina criptovaluta e carte di pagamento generalmente accettate.
I dati non sono disponibili
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
    VITO/WAVES 5 one year ago
    $ 6.60
    VITO/WBTC 5 one year ago
    VITO/WETH 5 one year ago
1 mag 2018
1 lug 2018
100% completato
$3 776 504
100% obbiettivo completato
25 set 2017
15 dic 2017
100% completato
$36 549
3% obbiettivo completato
Obbiettivo 1 000 000.00 USD
  • 0.01 VISO
    1 USD
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
Al dettaglio, Servizi per gli affari, Internet


The VISO project is the first cryptocurrency payments acceptance project that utilizes an entire payment environment.

We have analyzed the needs of a payments acceptance business.

All businesses are overloaded with equipment at this time.

To set up uninterrupted payments acceptance, many businesses are forced to keep several fiscal cash registers, bank terminals from multiple banks, customer-loyalty maximization system devices, external printers to print receipts, bar code scanners, and accounting systems.
All of these are standalone devices. Nobody needs an additional solution that would enable the acceptance of cryptocurrency payments, especially as the laws of most countries expressly forbid the direct acceptance of cryptocurrency by merchants.

We simplify this whole system. Instead of all of these devices, we use the latest development called SMART terminal, which has the size of a regular bank terminal and combines all devices.

A device becomes a VISO SMART terminal through a software platform of our own development.

We have conducted the certification of this equipment to make sure it complies with the PCI DSS payment system information safety standard, device keyboard-based PIN code entry standard, and contactless payment standard.

As a result, we have a device that is in full compliance with international payment systems requirements and that meets all of the customer’s compliance objectives with regard to the conduct of sales. Apart from that, s SMART terminal is simply convenient.
The whole VISO SMART terminals-based cryptocurrency acceptance process is implemented through the VISO Wallet and VISO Exchange.
The cryptocurrency accepted as payment is converted on the Exchange, and the sale itself takes place in national currency – in compliance with the law.
In this way, VISO SMART terminals come as a radical simplification of the everyday payment acceptance process and extend the spectrum of capabilities by accepting cryptocurrency as payment. But there is more to it.

VISO company provides infrastructure for the convenient accounting of payments. All payments made with cash, payment cards, or cryptocurrency are shown in a user account on the VISO website. This greatly simplifies the accounting and reconciliation for every checkout point. Using an easy store constructor in the user account, it is possible to create one’s own online store to accept cash-free payment card-based and cryptocurrency payments. This feature set is unique and is VISO Company’s know-how.

For private customers, the services of the bank, those of the cryptocurrency exchange, and those of cryptocurrency balances are combined into a single system through the VISO wallet. In the unified interface of the VISO wallet, the customer can set limits on all transaction types, buy and sell cryptocurrency, and choose currency to store funds. After completing an authentication procedure at the bank, you can significantly increase the limits on transactions, but to try VISO services, you only need to register online.

VISO is the first system that allows not only for opening virtual cards and ordering prepaid and conventional cards but also for issuing smartphone-based contact-free payment cards that unlock immediately after the client has opened a VISO wallet.

As VISO cards are issued under VISA and MasterCard regulations, they can be used for payments worldwide, not just with VISO terminals.

5 reasons to join VISO:

  • The VISO project has been founded by partners with a vast experience in creating payment systems and business in Georgia
  • The payment ecosystem of VISO provides a full cycle of technologies for receiving and making payments.
  • Our technologies make payments in cryptocurrency simple, raising their ease to a new high.
  • Our VITO tokens have guaranteed demand from the clients' side and are supported by the VISO company
  • The project is highly scalable. Georgia today, the entire world tomorrow!


Un'ampia rete di terminali bancari SMART combinata con registratori di cassa, che consente acquisti in contanti, carta di credito,
o criptovaluta. La rete SMART-terminal deve essere installata in tutta la Georgia.
Le carte di pagamento VISO, che consentono pagamenti con VISO Wallet in lari georgiani, dollari statunitensi, euro e altre valute fiat e criptovalute.
VISO Wallet, che combina i metodi di pagamento convenzionali e la criptovaluta VITO in un unico sistema
VISO Exchange, che servirà come piattaforma di criptovaluta per lo scambio di VITO per altre criptovalute
, laris georgiani , Dollari USA ed euro.

Informazioni tecniche

Dettagli tecnici: & nbsp; Standard di Ethereum ERC20. Il codice sorgente: & nbsp; Il codice del prodotto non è disponibile. Prova dello sviluppatore: & nbsp; Squadra pubblica.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2012 GIUGNO

  • Fondazione della società m4bank
  • 2012 DICEMBRE

  • Viene lanciato il primo progetto per accettare le carte attraverso un terminale di pagamento mobile
  • 2014

  • Le maggiori banche russe e straniere sono tra i clienti di m4bank
  • 2014 DICEMBRE

  • Viene creato lo scambio di criptovaluta EXMO
  • Leggi di più
  • 2016 GENNAIO

  • Inizio dei lavori sui terminali SMART e VISO Shop
  • 2017 GIUGNO

  • m4bank opera in 8 paesi in tutto il mondo, i nostri terminali sono utilizzati da oltre 80.000 operatori commerciali, clienti di oltre 20 banche. Il fatturato mensile ai terminal è di oltre 80.000.000 di dollari. I maggiori produttori al mondo di infrastrutture terminal sono tra i nostri partner, come Ingenico, Spire Payment, Roam Data
  • 2017 GIUGNO

  • EXMO, il più grande scambio di criptovalute in Europa, con un fatturato> 1500 BTC / giorno
  • 2017 AGOSTO

  • Fondazione della società VISO
  • 2017 SETTEMBRE

  • Apertura dell'ufficio in Georgia
  • 2017 SETTEMBRE

  • Inizia Pre vendita
  • 2018 MARZO

  • Avvio del progetto VISO in Georgia (lancio di Smart-terminal, VISO Wallet, VISO CardLight), lancio dello scambio di cryprocurrency in Georgia
  • 2018 GIUGNO

  • Lancio di VISO Card Pro / HCR / Virt, SmartBalance
  • 2018 NOVEMBRE

  • Lancio di VISO in Bielorussia
  • 2019

  • Lancio di VISO in altri paesi

VISO Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Vasil Khanishvili
non verificato
Grigoriy Gurbanov
Management of acquiring network launch projects an...
non verificato
Egor Petukhovsky
Management of SMART-terminals production, manageme...
non verificato


$3 813 053

Sergey Popov
Terminals software development manager, banker, pr...
non verificato
Ketevan Gugushvili
Administrative manager, head of VISO office in Geo...
non verificato
Rodion Popkov
Banker, financial products manager, project manage...
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$16 485 527

Sasha Ivanov
Advisor to the Board
non verificato

VISO Ultime novità

Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
ICO Price~$0.5000

% name% Recensioni
News, reviews

The VISO solution is the only blockchain based currency that aims to incorporate smartphone contactless payment functionality. The VISO ICO will run from November 1st 2017 to December 15th 2017. If you are interested in getting token at a 50% discount, the pre-sale will end OCT 24. To learn more about this ICO project, be sure to check out their whitepaper proposition.

Leggi di più

It is a full-cycle payment system which is powered by combined technologies of point-of-sale payments acceptance, cryptocurrency payment cards, and regular currency payments and purchases. The payment system will include conventional debit card and credit card technologies and state-of-the-art payment technologies that are built around the use of cryptocurrencies such as Flying Money, BunnyToken, Jibrel Network, Hade.

The ICO of Viso Global provides participants with a unique mechanism that effectively delivers a high return on investment on the purchase of VITO tokens during the pre-sale or main sales of the tokens.

Leggi di più
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