U°OS Network

U°OS Network

Created using Figma
Blockchain Protocol Translating Social and Economic Actions into Reputation
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
  • P2B
    UOS/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0011
    $ 12.73
  • Bitforex
    UOS/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0006
    $ 4.16
  • Bitforex
    UOS/USDT 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0379
    $ 514.28
IEO - Bitforex & p2pb2b
8 ago 2019
14 ago 2019
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
  • 1 UOS
    0.025 USDT
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
Total initial U°OS Token Emission — 1 000 000 000 UOS

Seed Round — 100M UOS
Private Round — 200M UOS
IEO — 100M UOS
Community Distribution — 200M UOS
Advisory,BlockProducers,Ambassadors — 100M UOS,
Community Development — 100M UOS,
Distributed Community Foundation — 100M UOS
Team — 100M UOS
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo
U°OS Blockchain
Paesi con restrizioni
United States, Singapore, Cuba, Iran, Israel, Hong Kong, Belarus, Ecuador, Venezuela, Malaysia, Iraq, Puerto Rico, Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Syria, Yemen

Di U°OS Network

U°OS is a universal reputation system constituting an open-source blockchain protocol. It is built to be the standard for evaluation of trustworthiness of those to deal with online. The implementation of the system would positively impact the peer-to-peer economy as it contributes to faster customer decision-making. U°Community is an already functioning social platform launched on the U°OS testnet. It allows users to interact with each other, make offers, publish content, create and govern communities/organizations. Besides its native platform, the U°OS team is currently working on integration to the existing online platforms. The potential use-cases are unlimited — the reputation system is going to be integrated into e-commerce services, social networking sites, and prospectively smart and private cities.

Informazioni tecniche

As the process of KYC verification may take a while, please go through with it ASAP to make it before the hard cap is reached!

Bitforex U°OS IEO Page

p2pb2b U°OS IEO Page



% name% Roadmap

  • Q2 2019

  • ● Calculator Nodes API + Documentation
    ● Referral System
  • Q3 2019

  • ● Calculator Nodes History Plugin
    ● DAC/DAO Interface
    ● U°OS Light Wallet
    ● Polls functionality
    ● Update/Proposal System
  • Q4 2019

  • SDK
    ● External Widgets
    ● Search System
    ● Offer System
    ● Donation/Escrow System
    ● Direct Messages

    Mainnet launch
  • Q1 2020

  • Improved token economy model
    ● Native Apps (Win/Mac/*nix)
    ● Wordpress Plugins
    ● Browser Extension
  • Leggi di più
  • Q2 2020

  • ● Mobile App
    ● U°OS DEX launch

U°OS Network Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Dmitry Litvinov
Frontend Developer
non verificato
Anton Semakin
Senior Software Engineer
non verificato
Vladimir Pugachev
Senior Data Scientist
non verificato
Evgeny Ovsyankin
non verificato
Ekaterina Chechulina
Human Resources
non verificato
Andrew P.
CEO at UOS Network
non verificato
Alexander Petrov
non verificato
Vladimir Sapozhnikov
СТО at UOS Network
non verificato
Alexander Spirin
Product Manager at UOS Network
non verificato
Uladzimir Piaredneu
COO and Management Board Member at UOS Network
non verificato
Pavel Ivanov
Lead Frontend Developer
non verificato


$25 000 000

Petr Yakimchuk
DevOps Engineer – UOS Network
non verificato
Peter Kotegov
Blockchain Developer at UOS Network
non verificato
Alexey Prokopov
Chief Scientist
non verificato
Kirill Romanov
Head Of Design Department – UOS Network
non verificato
Ilya Shkurenko
Head of Marketing Department
non verificato
Anzor Daurov
Head of Partnerships and Foundation Relations
non verificato


verificata 100%

John Thore Stub Snei...

U°OS Network Interviste

John Thore Stub Sneisen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the Advisor of Tokenomics for the UOS Platform. Been involved over the last 8 months on an a business development level as well.
What do you think about idea?
I think UOS has a groundbreaking platform that will revolutionize the social media, review platforms and governance. We have created a proof of importance part that lets people trust each other using the decentralized UOS Blockchain algorithms to rate trust without giving up your sovereign identity.

U°OS Network Ultime novità

$ 0.0011
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 12.26
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0440
ICO Price~$0.0250
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