Twilight Game

Twilight Game

Created using Figma
A game with stable income not affected by token price.
I dati non sono disponibili
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
4% Seed
10% Private Sale
4% Public Sale
10% Team
4% Advisor
5% Community
10% Marketing
8% Liquidity
45% Game Economy
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di Twilight Game

Our game was inspired by the movie "Twilight". Out of respect, we named the game after "TWILIGHT". Twilight Game is a blockchain-based Play to Earn game that runs on the Binance Smart Chain, which has a native BEP-20 token called TWI for the entire internal economy. In Twilight Game, You can play the role of Vampires, Paladins and Hunters, build your army, fight against the powerful enemies and earn steady income while enjoying the strategy game.


Buying 0%

Selling 6%:

  • BUSD Reserve Pool:3%
  • Team:3%


💥Well-known concept
💵BUSD Reserve Pool
🎮Reverse-oracle Mechanism
⚔️PVE and PVP
📈Great ROI
🚀Free to play
💰Beta game released
🔹Audited and KYC completed
⚙️Token Price Stabilization Mechanism
👹Fighting Boss to win first prize
🎁Free gifts for staking
🎰Lottry mechanism

% name% Roadmap

  • Q1-2022

  • Community events and competitions
    Audit and KYC
    Confirm strategic partners
    Beta game launched
  • Q2-2022

  • IDO Game released
    DEX listed and Liquidity locked
    CoinGecko & Coinmarketcap listed
    Staking System launched
  • Q3-2022

  • CEX listed
    New function “Free to play”
    Market expansion
    Scholarship system
  • Q4-2022

  • More Influencers marketing
    Team expansion
    DAO community
    More gameplays created

Twilight Game Ultime novità

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