The Essence Project

The Essence Project

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Scambia criptovaluta per beni fisici di valore con il token Essence e il progetto Essence.
The Essence Project è un insieme di applicazioni e tecnologie decentralizzate progettate per rivoluzionare il settore delle aste introducendo contratti intelligenti, aumentando la trasparenza, registrando e condividendo le informazioni di vendita e fornendo transazioni sicure e veloci.
16 gen 2019
28 feb 2019
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
berretto 3 500.00 ETH
Hard cap 35 000.00 ETH
Pre Sale
1 gen 2019
15 gen 2019
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Distribuzione di token
-5% is raised in a presale to early buyers.
-65% is raised in a public token sale.
-15% kept in reserve by the Essence Foundation to further advance the project (strategic partnerships, airdrops/giveaways, pay for further development if needed). Remanding funds will be publicly burnt once the project is self-sufficient. (22,500,000 XES) Wallet address: 0x992f21Bee809F1eE7e67C0225185B29B04485b2e. Note, the funds are locked by smart contract and will be released to the Essence Foundation Wallet on March 1st when the ICO is completed.
-15% will be distributed to founding members with the strict intention of moving the product forward. Essence Tokens are locked for 1 year (January 1 2020). (22,500,000 XES)
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di The Essence Project

The Essence Project is a set of decentralized applications and technologies designed to revolutionize the auction industry by introducing smart contracts, increasing transparency, recording and sharing sales information and trends, and providing secure and fast transactions. 

Essence Platform- The Essence Platform is a database application designed to save auction houses time, money, and frustration. On the Essence Platform, auction houses can easily view and manage their inventory, customers, and sales data. Auction listings are formatted for upload to a number of online auction and e-commerce websites, and all sales price records including “on-the-floor” sales are recorded for entry into the Essence Database. Smart contracts clarify terms and conditions with consignors and buyers and ensure quick and secure crypto payment. All technologies on the platform are free to member auction houses, and select technologies will be made open-source once the technologies are fully adopted by initial target industries.

Essence Token/XES- Essence Token is an auction-specific utility token. Essence Token’s important features include centralized cryptographic signing keys, the ability to break up large transactions to mitigate risk, and a reserve fund that is held by the Essence Foundation in the interests of auction houses, collectors and XES holders. XES can also be used to purchase physical assets and access previous sales records.

Essence Exchange- The Essence Exchange is an online auction hosting service similar to LiveAuctioneers and BidSquare that accepts XES and FIAT in exchange for real/physical assets. Initially, XES exchange rates can be chosen by select auction houses and consignors as a percentage of market rate.

Essence Database- All sales records that pass through the Essence Platform are stored on the Essence Database. Once enough data is collected, analysts and machine learning bots will create and publish market trends. The Essence Database brings transparency and trust to auction houses and is accessible on a subscription model.

Essence Foundation- The Essence Foundation is a registered corporation of Wyoming. The Essence Foundation is dedicated to the advancement of the Essence Project, and the oversight and issuance of Essence Tokens. 

Essence Certified Dealers- Essence Certified Dealers are verified auction houses and fine art galleries on the Essence Exchange. Certified Dealers have: a legitimate track record of verified transactions, a business license, and an auctioneers license if required by the state they operate in.


Il progetto Essence mira a collegare le classi di risorse. Permettere a chiunque di scambiare criptovaluta e preziose risorse fisiche. Creando un mercato di venditori economicamente incentivati ​​ad accettare il token Essence, The Essence Project aumenterà la liquidità nella sfera crittografica. & Nbsp;

Il settore delle aste è attualmente uno dei più decentralizzati e meno industrie trasparenti nel mondo. Storicamente, le aste si basavano su livelli disparati di conoscenza delle condizioni, della provenienza e dell'opportunità di un pezzo. La speculazione selvaggia sui valori dell'arte, delle automobili e degli immobili era la norma.

Tuttavia, a causa dell'influenza di Internet, molti consumatori moderni non compreranno all'asta se non sentono il il valore di un pezzo è ben documentato. Mentre le persone si fidano delle stime dei prezzi delle case d'asta di grandi nomi come Sotheby e Christie's, la credibilità delle case d'aste più piccole oscilla tra le diverse cerchie e nel tempo. & Nbsp;

Per stare al passo con i consumatori e rsquo ; cambiando le preferenze, le case d'asta hanno bisogno della provenienza, delle condizioni e del valore di mercato dei pezzi che vendono per essere prontamente disponibili ai clienti. Con l'aumentare della trasparenza e le case d'aste & rsquo; i potenziali margini di profitto diminuiscono, l'introduzione della tecnologia per tagliare i costi e aumentare le entrate diventerà incredibilmente importante. Poiché la stragrande maggioranza delle case d'asta sono operazioni di piccole dimensioni, affrontare queste sfide su base individuale spesso non è economicamente praticabile.

L'Essence Project fungerà da alleanza per le gallerie d'arte e le aste che controllano individualmente meno dell'1% del mercato totale. Insieme, queste gallerie d'arte e aste rappresentano oltre il 90% del mercato.

The Essence Project Squadra

verificata 43%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Alex Gavtadze
Project manager
non verificato
Davis Wang
Project manager
non verificato
Brett Hinman
Project manager
non verificato
Elijah Brown
Owner and founder
Davis Beauchamp
Owner and founder
Nick Perry
non verificato
Stephen Montague


verificata 25%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$3 000 000

Paul Brown
non verificato
Allan Baitcher
non verificato
Linda Meier
non verificato
Jonathan Morris

The Essence Project Interviste

Jonathan Morris
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My experience in trading stocks, bonds, options and commodities relates directly to a bid ask system. This is seen in both trading crypto currencies and trading items at auction. The Essence Project will allow multiple asset classes to be connected.
What do you think about idea?
The Essence Project is an exciting and advanced endeavor. Never before have people been able to trade items for cryptocurrency and vice versa. This allows anyone interested the ability to gain entrance into the world of cryptocurrency. It's an exploding new asset class and that's what excites me the most.
Elijah Brown
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a auction house owner and blockchain enthusiast, I see this project as the prefect chance to marry those two worlds and improve both of them. My goal is to increase liquidity and adoption in the entire crypto sphere. With my unique connections and background, I was able to assemble the perfect team to bring The Essence Project to fruition. I see The Essence Project as the logical step needed to allow for real adoption in the crypto space.
What do you think about idea?
Everyone who trades cryptocurrency is already familiar with the concept of how auctions function. Our goal is to connect asset classes and allow people to easily transfer value between physical and digital assets. Everyone has stuff, The Essence Project will allow people to trade that stuff for crypto. Everyone wants stuff, The Essence Project will allow people to trade crypto for stuff.
Davis Beauchamp
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I oversee the project as a whole and determine the creative direction of the project. With the project since its ideation.
What do you think about idea?
Essence has endless potential as an online marketplace, an appraiser of goods, and as a store of value.
Stephen Montague
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role is to help with the overall direction, unique marketing plans, and innovation for the project.
What do you think about idea?
I believe that The Essence Platform can, and will, change the auction industry, and allow all types of people to understand and use crypto. For the less “tech-savvy” people in the world, trading on Binance can be a scary task. The Essence Platform will take away the fear in trading.

The Essence Project Ultime novità

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