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Tokenize sports teams' statistics. By purchasing stats tokens you can earn on the performance of football clubs.
I dati non sono disponibili
To be announced
Dettagli del token
dettagli aggiuntivi


STEM is a sports team statistics token exchange. On this exchange, each sports club has its own token, which has a certain value.

The price of these tokens is determined by such indicators as: statistics of the team's game, world rankings, position in the standings, the cost of the club's players and others.

Based on these data, criteria are formed for the issue and pricing of the tokens themselves. STEMX is the main token of the STEM exchange, which will participate in trading pairs.

For STEMX, you can pay a transaction fee, as well as make cheap deposits and withdrawals from the exchange. Token holders will receive privileges and bonuses, participate in important decisions of the project.

STEMX Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$163 890

Pavel Kozichevceo
non verificato
Yuliya Mahermarketer
non verificato


$161 937

Alexei Savostyuk
non verificato


$161 937

Yurii Jidko
non verificato
Alexander Samusevich
non verificato


$161 937

Eduard Latsevich
non verificato

STEMX Ultime novità

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