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Meet SpaceCatch: The PokemonGo Killer! Next generation AR game driven by complex AI. Designed by the professional gaming studio: Pixelfield. Welcome to the new era of Web3 AR gaming!
1 feb 2024
1 mar 2024
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
7% Founders round
10% Community round
20% Public sale
13% Launchpad round
20% Staking rewards
10% Liquidity
10% Marketing&Airdrop
9% Team
1% Advisors
Valute accettate
Contributo minimo
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
Czech Republic
dettagli aggiuntivi
MVP / Prototipo
piattaforma, Gioco

Di SpaceCatch

Token audit + Team KYC Gold by CERTIK –


 2024, the Metaverse.

We were attacked by AI-driven aliens! Humans need all brave and smart heroes to protect the Metaverse against the invasion! Call of Duty to all capable humans: Build your hero, become a Catcher, and defeat them all!

SpaceCatch is a next-generation AR game driven by complex artificial intelligence. Build your Hero, protect the human Metaverse, train your avatar, defeat aliens, earn rewards, and show that you are more intelligent than AI!

Current demo version: 0.21.9


AUGMENTED REALITY - As a first in the Web3 market, SpaceCatch has implemented advanced AR for the best gaming experience.

ARTIFICIAL INTELIGENCE - SpaceCath has implemented complex AI features, creating Taylor-made gaming quests, leaving competitors far behind, and creating a real new-generation gaming experience. 

MOVE-TO-EARN, WEB3 - Within SpaceCatch, players can use their real-life physical activity to train their avatars and earn rewards. Players utilize their real-life physical activity to obtain boosters and improve avatars. These boosters can be sold to other players, creating a space for move-to-earn. Be smart, let's move!

NFT - Players can buy, sell, borrow or rent various NFT items. With various NFTs, players achieve faster in-game progress, can participate on Invasions, and improve their combat skills to another level. Some of the strongest and most unique NFTs may be expensive, but without them, players can't move forward: giving players an option to outsmart others and obtain them at the lowest costs!

% name% Roadmap

  • Q4/2023

  • 🤝 Start of the $CATCH presale
    🌍Community engagement
    💎Token audit
    🚀DEMO access to KOLs and Influencers 
    📣Promo marketing
  • Q1/2024

  • 💥Public beta launch
    📣Go-to-market strategy
    🌍Launchpad round
  • Q2/2024

  • 💎Listing tier1
    🚀Public Launch V1
    🌟$CATCH usage implementation
    🤝NFT usage implementation
  • Q3/2024

  • 🌟AI custom quests 
    🌍Multiplayer available
    🌐Story expansions
    🤝Community leaderboard

SpaceCatch Squadra

verificata 100%

Dominik Bura
Miljan Pajić
Martin Veverka
Martin Lepka
Stanislav Lepka
Radek Holubík
Filip Háša


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

127 ICOs

$666 805 225

Ian Scarffe
non verificato

SpaceCatch Interviste

Dominik Bura
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As a Game Design Director, I lead the creative vision, gameplay, and team collaboration to deliver engaging game.
What do you think about idea?
I think we have a really unique formula, not typical for mobile game, where we offer casual core gaming mechanics with a learning curve for other side activities, which will allow for long and satisfying progression no matter if you want to play 2 hours a week or 2 hours a day. Pair this with immersive lore fits mobile format and a planned "expansion" style content updates (typical more for PC games, than mobile games) and we might be really looking at new generation of mobile gaming.
Miljan Pajić
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
On SpaceCatch I am performing the role of Project Manager- meaning I am responsible for project's performance. I am responsible for setting goals, ensure satisfactory and quality team performance, making sure team has a positive communication and cooperation and the project is overall progressing well.
What do you think about idea?
I am very excited for the project to see the light of the day- it is a very interesting combination of fun and engaging gameplay and promotion of a fit and healthy lifestyle. It has a great potential to keep players active with our game for longer periods of time, which for me is extremely important.
Martin Veverka
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role is to internally manage the development and design team as a Scrum Master. I'm taking care of the planning of the work, and the estimations of tasks including reviews and retrospectives with the team. I ensure that the team works well together and that the members operate smoothly within the environment.
What do you think about idea?
The game should add a new perspective and opportunities for the players interested in Play-to-Earn augmented reality-based game that enables them to craft their own NFTs.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Expert in web3 solutions, renewable sources for mining, cloud systems,energy and development solutions 👨‍💼 💎CEO of @spacecatch_io 🪐
What do you think about idea?
SpaceCatch is a Free-to-Play and Play-to-Earn augmented reality-based game using a unique $CATCH token and with possibility of crafting and collecting NFTs.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As the co-founder of SpaceCatch, I've passionately merged augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and Web3, crafting an innovative gaming landscape that champions both intellectual prowess and real-world movement.
What do you think about idea?
In SpaceCatch, I envisioned not just a game, but a revolution in the world of AR gaming. We've leaped into the future by intertwining the magic of Augmented Reality with the potential of Web3, creating a thrilling, immersive universe where players can truly engage and interact. Our avant-garde use of AI isn't merely a feature—it's the lifeblood of the game, curating Taylor-made quests for each player and setting us apart in a crowded market. But what I'm most proud of is our move-to-earn concept; we're rewarding players for being active in the real world, blending the lines between virtual achievement and tangible benefits.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
"Hey there, space explorers! 🌌✨ I'm the captain of production on this cosmic journey we call SpaceCatch! My role? Well, imagine being the spaceship engineer, making sure all systems are in check and firing at optimal performance. From ensuring that our augmented reality experience feels like you've truly stepped into another universe, to helping bridge the gap between the digital and real world with NFTs, I'm hands-on with the tech and gameplay, ensuring we give you the most out-of-this-world experience! Plus, I ensure that our in-game economy, powered by the $CATCH token, is stable and rewarding for every starfighter out there. Warp speed ahead!"
What do you think about idea?
"To be honest, I think it's stellar! 🚀 From the first time I heard about SpaceCatch, I was hooked. I mean, combining AR, RPG, and Play-to-Earn? That's like assembling the ultimate intergalactic dream team! Remember the thrill of catching creatures on your mobile in the real world a few years ago? Now, imagine that thrill amplified with epic battles, community events, and the chance to earn while you play. The idea is ambitious, sure, but that's the beauty of it. We're not just creating a game; we're building a universe, a community, and pioneering a model where everyone's a winner. So, am I excited? You bet your astronaut helmet I am!"

SpaceCatch Ultime novità

5.0 14
ICO Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra
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