Solidus have built an eco-friendly 8,000 square foot high performance computing (HPC) Data Center in a highly secure location in Europe. They are launching the Worlds first deflationary Artificial Intelligence token (AITECH) which will be used as a payment gateway to license Artificial-Intelligence-as-a-Service (AIaaS), Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) and rent HPC power via their Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform.
Solidus will also launch a marketplace for developers software to launch Artificial Intelligence software applications for their users to license where the developers will benefit via a profit share model. AITECH is the token that powers the Solidus AI Tech ecosystem and can be used to purchase everything that is listed on the platform. Fiat currency transactions are converted to AITECH seamlessly on backend and are completed on the Blockchain with AITECH tokens.
Solidus will accept traditional forms of payment such as Paypal or Credit Card and between 5%-10% of AITECH tokens used to purchase services on the platform will be burned as part of the deflationary token economy.
A significant problem is the lack of European HPC facilities in the global top 10. This means companies in the EU typically outsource their supercomputing needs overseas which causes problems in security and latency. The EU consumes one-third of HPC resources while only producing 5% of computer power. European scientists and engineers rely on expensive U.S. supercomputing facilities more than those in the EU by a factor of 10.
At Solidus Ai Tech Limited, we have completed the main build of our data center and are ready to commence the installation of our HPC infrastructure which is based in Europe (Bucharest), which will significantly help to bridge this gap and will enable European companies to obtain their supercomputing power within the EU. We expect this facility to be more efficient and of lower cost than in most of the U.S. By operating in Bucharest, we have the benefit of low-cost electricity and fast internet speeds as well as our Intellectual Property (IP) and expect to run at around 40% less power consumption than the industry average.
We have the capacity to scale up our operations and, as we do so, we expect to quickly become the top EU HPC center and in the global top 10 HPC centres.
Instead of taking regular over the counter medicines…Medicine could be tailored to your exact genome. AI algorithms will enable doctors and hospitals to better analyze data and customize their health care to the genes, environment and lifestyle of each patient. From diagnosing brain tumors to deciding which cancer treatment will work best for an individual, AI is positioned to drive the personalized medicine revolution.
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