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SOLARR is a decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) platform that provides NFT owners with instant credit by rewarding suppliers for offering liquidity. The platform enables users to borrow, supply, and earn on their digital assets and NFTs through peer-to-peer transactions on a non-custodial platform. Additionally, businesses can access tools to launch and monetize NFT-based real-world assets with ease, making SOLARR a valuable resource for those looking to engage with the NFT economy.
I dati non sono disponibili
To be announced
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The platform's main objective is to bring financial utility to NFTs and digital assets using decentralized technologies, with the ultimate goal of facilitating the world's transition into a decentralized digital economy. By enabling instant credit for NFT owners and incentivizing suppliers to provide liquidity, SOLARR is helping to drive the growth and adoption of NFTs and digital assets, making them more accessible to a wider range of users.

Overall, SOLARR is a forward-thinking platform that is making a significant contribution to the development of the decentralized digital economy. With its innovative approach and commitment to financial inclusivity, SOLARR is helping to create a more accessible and equitable financial landscape for all.

SOLARR Squadra

verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Alex Lee
Founder & CEO
non verificato
Sumsun He
non verificato
David Kok
non verificato
Mun Shing Cheong
non verificato
Alan Leung
non verificato
Issac Chan
Head of Product
non verificato
Vincent Chan
Head of Service
non verificato
Michael Kuang
Ecosystem Analyst
non verificato

SOLARR Ultime novità

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