

Created using Figma è il primo ecosistema decentralizzato per scoprire, creare, gestire e analizzare campagne pubblicitarie con influencer social media. Basato sulla tecnologia blockchain, porterà le attività di marketing tra brand e social media blogger a un livello completamente nuovo di trasparenza, sicurezza e interazione.
9 feb 2018
16 mar 2018
100% completato
$8 000 000
57% berretto completato
berretto 13 800 000.00 USD
  • 2500 SMT
    1 ETH
2 feb 2018
9 feb 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
7 dic 2017
21 dic 2017
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
berretto 2 000 000.00 SMT
Hard cap 10 000 000.00 SMT
  • 800 SMT
    1 ETH
21 nov 2017
21 dic 2017
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Dettagli del token
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
piattaforma, Media

Di SocialMedia.Market

Influencer Marketing has been a part of the promotional campaigns of the gaming and entertainment industries for years. Ultimately, digital agencies demonstrated the value of this advertising channel to corporations and large companies. And now, even small businesses are interested in allocating marketing budgets on popular bloggers or celebrities, who have influence over potential consumer audiences. Because, unlike traditional advertising, Influencer Marketing provides brands the opportunity to garner credibility and gain attention.

As more brands incorporate Influencer Marketing campaigns into their overall marketing strategies, many studies confirm collaboration with social media influencers in the production, distribution and promotion of sponsored content is now one of the most powerful ways for brands to reach consumers. Surveys indicate that 74% of people discover brands on social networks, and up to 49% of them rely on influencers’ recommendations when making a buying decision.

Still, Influencer Marketing remains a complicated process for both advertisers building their campaigns and influencers seeking a way to monetize their content. Obscure and uncertain price determination, insecure transactions, non-compliance with executed agreements, fraud, lack of control and unreliable analytic instruments create challenging ROI determination. This imbalance gives the major advertising assets to digital marketing agencies and top social media celebrities.

With our core team know-how and expertise in entertainment, marketing, analysis and product development, we have a clear vision of how to implement Blockchain and Smart Contract technology in a day-to-day solution that will resolve market needs and help develop them, exponentially.

We are building SocialMedia.Market – the first decentralized ecosystem to discover, create, perform and analyze advertising campaigns with social media influencers across any social network. Blockchain technology will simplify the integration between advertisers and publishers and decrease costs for all engaged parties. It will create a competitive marketplace that’s 100% safe and transparent, creating opportunities for thousands of influencers and brands all over the globe to form targeted audience exposure; engaging consumers in the most relevant way. We will help elevate advertising markets to the next level and take considerable market share very quickly as cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology become mainstream in the next few years.

Our team is inspired to popularize Blockchain and Smart Contract technologies, making them more common in our daily life. We apply extra effort to introduce SocialMedia.Market’s platform, globally, to millions of influencers from small and medium sized businesses to larger corporations.


Transazioni sicure. La piattaforma basata su Ethereum utilizza un sistema di pagamento con deposito a garanzia che detiene le spese del contratto fino al raggiungimento degli obblighi stabiliti.
Sistema di soluzione delle controversie decentralizzato.
Convalida della proprietà. L'autenticazione a due fattori garantisce protezione e proprietà degli account all'interno della piattaforma.
Comunicazioni e interazioni.
Gestione semplice.
& nbsp;

Informazioni tecniche

Comunicazione a due protocolli tra servizi - TCP / HTTP, trasferimento di dati isolati all'interno di reti sovrapposte, autorizzazione JWT tra servizi durante la comunicazione. & nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • DAL 2015

  • Inngaged in Influencer Marketing per i propri progetti
  • EARLY 2016

  • Fondata l'agenzia digitale di Max Marketing
  • Q2 2017

  • Creato SocialMedia.Market concetto
  • 7 DIC 2017

  • Leggi di più
  • NOV 2017

  • FEB 2018

  • Q1 2018

  • 9 FEB 2018

  • FASE DI VENDITA TOKEN 2Listing su scambi
  • Q2 2018

  • FASI DI VENDITA TOKEN Elenco 2 sugli scambi
  • Q3 2018

  • COMUNICATO DI PIATTAFORMA PER USA, UK, MERCATI CIS Raggiungere un fatturato di $ 250 milioni di budget spesi da agenzie e marchi
  • Q1 - Q2 2019

  • Fase attiva di consapevolezza del marchio LANCIO MONDIALE
  • Q1 2020

  • Raggiungere un fatturato di $ 2,8 miliardi di budget spesi da agenzie e marchi

SocialMedia.Market Squadra

verificata 80%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Dmitry Shyshov
CEO, Founder
Alexandra Morozova
Co-founder, Chief Marketing Officer
Viktor Perekhod
Business Development Manager
Anna Koval
Marketing Communications Expert
non verificato
Maksym Churkin
Tech Lead

SocialMedia.Market Ultime novità

5.0 19
WEB2 Profilo Visione Attività Potenziale Prodotto Squadra

% name% Recensioni

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKET is a decentralized influencer advertising marketplace connecting social media bloggers and advertisers providing convenient and transparent tools for interactions of any party involved.


  • Safe and faster transactions: The advertisers  and influencers  have little control over the payments  and the escrow system used ensures that the system holds  the contract fees until the set obligations are met
  • Fair decentralized dispute solutions: The platform  lays several  preventive measure  for resolving cases between parties easily as well as arbitrator system  that will resolve the disputes between participants with the help of independent platform experts
  • Ownership validations: the influencer  are verified and authorized to  prevent any possible impersonation
  • Source of income: The disputes  solution system  platform rewards the user through SMTs  for their engagement  in dispute arbitration
  • Easy access to influencer. The platform enables the users to access the influencers  and seek their services across the world without any limitations
  • Operating cost optimization: The associated services  and cost of operation within the platform is lower with high projected  returns
  • Good team: the platform comprises of thirty members led by CEO Dmitry Shyhov who has succefully  help games and Esport industries


  • The whitepaper is not available in other languages
  • The token holders are not involved in the constructive project decisions making process
  • The token used is not specified


  • Produce the whitepaper in other languages
  • Include the in the project development program


Leggi di più
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